Noodley said:
I have some degree of sympathy for David Millar, for example.
Well yes. I like Millar, more so because (and I could be wrong) I think I can empathise to a certain extent with what he's been through and I think he's a chap who has put a lot of time and effort into thinking constructively about what happened.
I also feel sorry for some riders who have "retired" due to being 'caught' when others continue to cheat and get away with it.
Ullrich perchance? He 'retired' with a great fat wedge of cash. How much of that was earned honestly?
Dopers in the whole are not monsters, they are pleasant people. Personable and affable. Landis is not one of them, neither is Armstrong.
Funny, even Walsh seems to be baffled by Landis "If you knew him, you liked him". I liked him too and was rooting for him in 06. I'd like to know what really went on and what his real motivation for not simply holding his hands up were. I think more will emerge over the years.
I can also recognise there are some riders not performing at the level they did a few years I can make a link between their "then" and "now" performances and 'admire' (probably not the right word) them for making changes. They may continue to deny what they did, but they have made changes.
It must be difficult. Look at what happens when you "spit in the soup"...
You know cycling better than I, so it's easier for you to spot who has tailed off. But then, sportsmen and teams aren't nicely consistent with linear performance that you can plot. There's always going to be a lot of guesswork involved. As for the spitting in the soup. Yes, absolutely. I believe that Millar made a conscious decision to pin his hopes on a clean future and not try to blow the lid off cheating within cycling because he would probably have killed his career while achieving nothing. At least he seems to have put his money where his mouth is with Slipstream. Hopefully that will achieve far more in the long run than a Scot/Maltese version of Breaking the Chain.
But then, there have been so many false dawns and no-one wants to look like a naive fool. No more heroes....