flea treatment for cats

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Been there, got the t-shirt....and the scars - ! :rofl:

Actually, there's no need to get the scars...

1) Take cat and wedge its bum in the corner of an armchair / sofa so it can't reverse.

2) With non-dominant hand, put your thumb and index finger on either side of the upper jaw (hand over the cat's head) and gently pull the cat's head back.

3) When the cat's head is back, the mouth will open automatically.

4) With your dominant hand, chuck the pill in as far back as you can.

5) Close the cat's mouth as quickly as possible and keep the head back - that will make it swallow.

6) Let go of the cat and be prepared for a good dose of "We are not aMEWsed"

Seriously, this really does work - I got taught this by a very experienced Cats Protection fosterer about 20 years ago when I had to give one of my then cats medication & joint supplements for his arthritis.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Actually, there's no need to get the scars...

1) Take cat and wedge its bum in the corner of an armchair / sofa so it can't reverse.

2) With non-dominant hand, put your thumb and index finger on either side of the upper jaw (hand over the cat's head) and gently pull the cat's head back.

3) When the cat's head is back, the mouth will open automatically.

4) With your dominant hand, chuck the pill in as far back as you can.

5) Close the cat's mouth as quickly as possible and keep the head back - that will make it swallow.

6) Let go of the cat and be prepared for a good dose of "We are not aMEWsed"

Seriously, this really does work - I got taught this by a very experienced Cats Protection fosterer about 20 years ago when I had to give one of my then cats medication & joint supplements for his arthritis.

Neet to do our 4. Three quite OK (raggies and handling), the other has no teeth but wriggly with claws.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Actually, there's no need to get the scars...

1) Take cat and wedge its bum in the corner of an armchair / sofa so it can't reverse.

2) With non-dominant hand, put your thumb and index finger on either side of the upper jaw (hand over the cat's head) and gently pull the cat's head back.

3) When the cat's head is back, the mouth will open automatically.

4) With your dominant hand, chuck the pill in as far back as you can.

5) Close the cat's mouth as quickly as possible and keep the head back - that will make it swallow.

6) Let go of the cat and be prepared for a good dose of "We are not aMEWsed"

Seriously, this really does work - I got taught this by a very experienced Cats Protection fosterer about 20 years ago when I had to give one of my then cats medication & joint supplements for his arthritis.
I hear there's a king of pill syringe for cats, I have never tried it though.
My Alfie takes his flea treatment in pill form, halved in a good dollop of tuna.


Seriously, this really does work - I got taught this by a very experienced Cats Protection fosterer about 20 years ago when I had to give one of my then cats medication & joint supplements for his arthritis.
One thing overlooked; wrap said puddy in a towel, or you will learn VERY quickly how fast they can engage their front claws are when they decide that enough is enough, usually about two nanoseconds - ! :eek: :rofl:
One thing overlooked; wrap said puddy in a towel, or you will learn VERY quickly how fast they can engage their front claws are when they decide that enough is enough, usually about two nanoseconds - ! :eek: :rofl:

The purrito technique (wrapping a cat in a towel) is usually a two person technique employed for uncooperative feline units. The technique I was taught is more of a solo technique for semi-cooperative units. :laugh:

I swear this should be an Olympic sport!
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