First Road Rage incident....

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I think you got it right, straight off the bat. 'I am an amateur', said with a sort of amused condescension, as if to say, 'Duh!'

After all, the initial comment was about as intelligent as 'You're riding a bicycle'. I mean, how many professional cyclists are there? Takes the wind out of any self-gratification artist's sail - a total lack of resistance, where resistance was anticipated. They lose their balance and flounder. It's kind of a zen thing.

But it's all in the poise, so practise not getting flustered. My daughters have this down to a tee - that kind of 'and your point is?' response...

I am Spartacus

Über Member
N Staffs
darkstar said:
so fairly short nike running shorts,

You deserved the abuse :evil:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
[quote name='swee'pea99']I think you got it right, straight off the bat. 'I am an amateur', said with a sort of amused condescension, as if to say, 'Duh!'


Even better if said in a matronly voice, with the addition of 'young man' on the end.


New Member
I'd have said, "Oh no, I'm no amateur. I'm a murderer" Then promptly kicked him to the floor into the path of oncoming traffic.


What a cock. I think your response was perfect. I usually favour the blank look and then completely ignore response, but that's because I can never think of anything witty to say.


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
darkstar said:
Haha I supose it's not road rage but couldn't think of another, more apropiate phrase at the time! If your the sort to look down at people for choosing to not wear Lycra (god forbid!) and choose to shave your legs for the extra aerodynamics (well that's the excuse anyway!) then good luck to you! Next time I see him, if he does the same I'll push him off his bike......

Naah, I meant I wish he'da said it to me! People like that are just a joke, don't let it get to you!


New Member
I am Spartacus said:
You deserved the abuse :bravo:

Haha! Well when I say short, I mean in comparison to the board shorts I isualy wear off the bike in summer! So just north of the knees by an inch or 2 :bravo:


New Member
Joe24 said:
How is this road rage:wacko:
You just had a run in with a twat

Yeh I know, I explained earlier in the thread I couldn't think of a more apropiate phrase at the time!

on the road

Über Member
darkstar said:
and it was from anther cyclist! I was tootling along at my own pace (around 16mph average) and i get overtaken by a fellow cyclist on a steep hill (i struggle on hills to say the least!) he kept alongside me and said "you look like an amateur", i replied "pardon?" he then said "look at your clothes, you look like an amateur" (i wear my running kit, so fairly short nike running shorts, a helly hanson top with a tight t-shirt on over the top,) I was amazed by the sheer level of arrogance in that statement, so i then replied with "well i am an armature" Then when he decided to get on with his own ride, i called after him "Good luck in the tour next year Lance"
What a clot.
Does he thinks he's a professional then :bravo:


Senior hunter
Well the guy was definitely a twat, but do we need to judge him by his clothing as well? Isn't that as silly back?

BTW, cyclists shave legs not for aerodynamics, but to aid wound care, massage and because our huge quads look great!
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