I think you got it right, straight off the bat. 'I am an amateur', said with a sort of amused condescension, as if to say, 'Duh!'
After all, the initial comment was about as intelligent as 'You're riding a bicycle'. I mean, how many professional cyclists are there? Takes the wind out of any self-gratification artist's sail - a total lack of resistance, where resistance was anticipated. They lose their balance and flounder. It's kind of a zen thing.
But it's all in the poise, so practise not getting flustered. My daughters have this down to a tee - that kind of 'and your point is?' response...
After all, the initial comment was about as intelligent as 'You're riding a bicycle'. I mean, how many professional cyclists are there? Takes the wind out of any self-gratification artist's sail - a total lack of resistance, where resistance was anticipated. They lose their balance and flounder. It's kind of a zen thing.
But it's all in the poise, so practise not getting flustered. My daughters have this down to a tee - that kind of 'and your point is?' response...