First road bike

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Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
I have been riding my Raleigh Grande hybrid for about four months now and have covered seven hundred happy miles. I think I would also like to own a road bike for those sunny summer days! Being a pensioner of limited finances I have a limit of £300 and have in mind to get the Raleigh Carrera TDF. The only worry I have is the gearing, it has a 12-26 cassette and a 52/39 chain ring. I have read some reviews stating this can be a bit high for my sixty eight year old legs! Would it be reasonably cheap to change chain ring and can this be done without changing the chain and cassette?


Well-Known Member
Hi Malc.
For that kind of money many forum members say you can't go wrong with the Triban 3.
Bought a Triban 3 a few months ago and have been very happy with it. Rode 1500 miles on it but then had a few problems with the wheels...not sure what the Carrera would be like but for sub £300 you're not gonna get the whole package.
Buy second hand, get much more bike for your buck, and you could even have even change to personalise the gearing if required :thumbsup:

You want either a triple chainset or a 34/50 compact chainset IMO.

It's easy to change chainrings, but you can't make a standard double (52/39) into a compact by just changing the rings.

However, it's arguably even easier to just swap the chainset over completely, (depending on BB set up).


Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
Almost decided on the Triban 3 as it has so many good reviews and lots of gears! As I am 5ft. 8in I think the 54 size will be about right. Will hang on till after Christmas to see if there are any price reductions.
Very pleased with my T3, you won't be dissapointed. I would be surprised if they discount them after Christmas, but you never know!


Active Member
Almost decided on the Triban 3 as it has so many good reviews and lots of gears! As I am 5ft. 8in I think the 54 size will be about right. Will hang on till after Christmas to see if there are any price reductions.
Had mine a couple of months now but only managed just over 100 miles on it due to weather/other commitments (why do these always occur when weather is favourable for cycling?)
I'm also 5' 8" and have a 54. Should be fine unless you have long legs, short body or vice versa. Really looking forward to taking it for a long ride as suffering withdrawal symptoms. Got to go, just been informed the unit 50 yards down from ours has just started flooding......


Senior Member
Dover, Kemt
Decision is made it's going to be the Triban 3 within the next month or so. Never had a bike with high pressure tryes before so which mini pump do you chaps use.


Careful with that axle Eugene
I've just put some pound coins together and bought a Bontrager track pump for £30 from Worcester Cycle Centre. So much easier than with a hand pump, and I now know what pressure I'm running the tyres at, namely 110 psi. I'd got them up to about 80 by hand before using the track pump.


Über Member
Malaga, Spain
For at home get one of THESE, for on the road get one of THESE :thumbsup:

Alternatively for at home get one of these (Joe Blow Sport - a lot of forum members use them) , and for on the road get one of these (Lezyne Road Drive - had to use mine for the first time today, and everything people said about its ability to pump tyres up to high pressures is absolutely true ... and not a consumable cartridge in sight).
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