Glad to hear everyone's ok on this thread thats had contact with vehicles,
I would say claim, not for it with every thing, but drivers have to be made aware they arn't the only road user's, I think too many cyclist get a brush with a car with out too much in the way of injury, until the time the incident is devastating, by which time its too late, if car drivers are made aware that hitting a cyclist will cost them, along with the other costs of running a car they will think twice about just nicking in, in front of you or squeezing past.
The other thing is dont ride to close to the curb it invites trouble ( just my general practise), I find then that cars have to think about overtaking you, because they then have to, in most cases cross the white line in the middle, that does wake some up, as they are then in a lane with possible on coming vehicles.
I have never been hit by a car, though I have had some nasty tumbles, always got back on if it was possible.
Extra vigilant I will need to be now, having said all that.