In such discussions I wonder at the success of Sportives, particulary in the Garmin / Wahoo age. Very few people need the sign posting now (sat nav just beeps at you), and food is rather restricted. Possibly due to:
1. The idea that if you pay more you get more, so Audaxes are seen as the poor bretheren
2. Food stops. Maybe of low quality, but the idea that someone is there looking after you and providing you cyclists food gives you a warm sense of being wanted, rather than having to queue up at a regular café and being offered what the general public wants.
3. Organisation and hype get bigger numbers, and a sense of doing what everyone else is doing rather than a niche activity.
4. Being heartily congratulated at the end with a pointless medal, rather than just warm words, but also some 'pedal' pusher persuading you to step up to the next level as 200k* isn't actually that hard. And a chance to **buy** a cloth badge.
* - or 300k, or 400k, or LEL/PBP depending on the ride that you have just finised.