Films you've walked out of.

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back and brave
Sorry, my final LOTR comment, promise! I remember laughing out loud when there was a scene of a hobbit beside a horse; there might have been a few scenes and the hobbit may even walked under the horse. Whatever, the hobbit was so obviously a young child, a toddler, that I had to laugh. It looked ludicrous! All that money on special effects and they do something straight out of Blake 7!


Über Member
Only one film ever - King Solomon's Mines - a ripoff of Indiana Jones adventure type thing that was appalling.


New Member
Bromley, Kent
the latest 'Sweeny Todd' movie. It drove me to dispair. if it was'nt the knowing of getting a bolokng from the Mrs for walking out through one of her musicals I would of justgot up and left, but I stuck around and it just got worse


Fab Foodie said:
I find it much easier and not to mention cheaper not to walk in to watch crap movies in the first place...

Seconded. I think the reason I've not walked out of a movie is coz I'm pretty certain I'm gonna like it before I go in.


I've never walked out of a movie. Fallen asleep in a few, mostly kiddies ones. Reservoir Dogs was touch and go for Mrs KH but she managed to stay for the whole film only so she could have something to berate me about afterwards.

On the opposite side of the coin, there's a few I sat down to watch not really in the mood but really took me at the time. Blazing Saddles was one; it was surprisingly good (I was 14) and I have never laughed so much. Dark Star was another (but not at the cinema). Trainspotting was the last I saw which really took my interest. I haven't seen anything worthwhile or interesting since then.
yello said:
Not seen it but I bet it's not an easy watch...

Interested to know why you walked out though.

Because it was so awful to watch. I couldn't bear it. The images and subject matter that is. There was nothing actually wrong with the film.


The only one I've walked out of was the Eddie Murphy vampire one ... Vampire in Brooklyn?

It was bloody awful ... :sad:


back and brave
Disgruntled Goat said:
The images and subject matter that is. There was nothing actually wrong with the film.

I thought that might be what you meant but I wanted to be sure. I've seen some film footage and it truly is horrific. I'm not sure how much of it I could watch before turning way.


I don't recall ever walking out of a film. At the cinema, that is. I suppose it's the logic: I've paid for it, I'm damn well going to get my money's worth whatever! When I was a kid and they didn't use to chuck us out at the end of the screening, we used to stay in, watch the B-movie, then the main feature a second time around (until the staff spotted us, that is).

On TV - now, that's a different story. Indeed if I flick channels after the news (more often nowadays what with the digi-box), and settle on a likely-looking movie which I've never heard of anyway - it's 50-1 if I'll last more than a third of the way through. It would be easier to count up the number of unheralded films (i.e. ones I didn't know were going to be on, beforehand) that I've actually sat through, to the end.

mr Mag00

rising member
Deepest Dorset
i too have never walked out, dozed off a couple of times, but cannot remember which ones. we dont go that often and will try to make sure that it is worth going for by reading reviews and looking for actors or genre we like.


Champion barbed-wire hurdler
Leith, Edinburgh
Walked out of Clive Barker's "Nightbreed" was back when, but haven't walked out of anything since (though many times wished I had).

There was a DVD that I had recently that I had to switch off - not because it was bad, but it was just far too disturbing to continue watching. It's a French film, "Irreversible". I'm sure anyone else who's seen it will know that there's a 10 minute scene that's very, very unpleasant. I lasted about 2 minutes before I couldn't take any more and the film went off and was promptly returned.
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