Films you've walked out of.

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back and brave
Flying_Monkey said:
Peter Jackson's direction however, is like having instructions on how to feel shouted at you through a megaphone constantly for hours. The man has no poetry or subtlety in his soul.

I'll tell him you send your regards next time I see him!

In fairness to him, he was (and no doubt still is) more interested in special effects and animation than story. My parents sent me the LOTR trilogy on DVD and I felt obliged to watch them.... but it was done over several days with numerous tea breaks and wee stops. I wouldn't have sat through any of them at the cinema. I thought the last one was never going to end! They seemed to be saying goodbyes for ever.

I actually went to see the other LOTR film with him in the late 70s... the Ralph Bakshi semi-animated one. I'm not sure if he knew of LOTR before then.... so it may be partially my fault!

Spoked Wheels

Legendary Member
I have walked out of two films, Batman and that contemporary version of Romeo and Juliet a few years ago. I have also fallen sleep in one or two films too :angry:


yello said:
I'll tell him you send your regards next time I see him!

Please do. I am sure the money he has earned will bolster him against any criticism and more than compensate him for being an artist of moderate talents. :thumbsup::angry:

Just think, it could have been you...


mjones said:
spoddish Tolkien obsessive spiel

You are officially the saddest man on this thread! :angry: Seriously, I stopped reading LoTR twice a year some time ago. I think it was Terry Pratchett who said that anyone who didn't think Tolkien was the best writer in the world as a teenager was a bit odd, but anyone who still did as an adult was really strange.


Flying_Monkey said:
You are officially the saddest man on this thread! :angry: Seriously, I stopped reading LoTR twice a year some time ago. I think it was Terry Pratchett who said that anyone who didn't think Tolkien was the best writer in the world as a teenager was a bit odd, but anyone who still did as an adult was really strange.

Hmm. I draw the line at Terry Pratchett... ;)


back and brave
Flying_Monkey said:
an artist of moderate talents.

FWIW, I'm inclined to agree with you :angry: But I do admire what he's done given his background. He didn't go the film school route and is basically a hard working hobbyist made good. May be that's the same for many, I don't know.

Last time I was in NZ (2 years ago), I was being told that's he's a bit of an peanut... but as I've not seen him in near on 30 years, I couldn't offer a personal opinion. All I know was that he didn't want me to talk to a journalist that wrote an unauthorised biography, and I don't read anything in to that.

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
The only things I didn't like about LOTR was the trivialisation of Gimli and the fact that they didn't get a good looking bird to play Arwen. I'm glad he left Tom bloody Bombadil out though. Never could see the point of that character.


Andy in Sig said:
The only things I didn't like about LOTR was the trivialisation of Gimli and the fact that they didn't get a good looking bird to play Arwen.

I'm glad he left Tom bloody Bombadil out though. Never could see the point of that character.

;) Have to disagree there! :angry:


Legendary Member
I think the last time i went to the flicks was when toy story two came out,i hate it cos there is always a noisy eating bunch or mate telling someone what happens next,i was there for my son and others,but wouldnt normally go because of the reasons given,i felt like walking out then,not because of the film,but because of the crowds of noisy eaters,and talkers.


Taking the biscuit
I watched LOTR on DVD but had to abandon it when Hugo Weaving appears as the king of the elves, I couldn't get Agent Smith from The Matrix out of my head, 'Ahh.........Mr. Baggins.' That kinda ruined the film for me.
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