Ferrule Crimper

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jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
I had a high quality pair of cutters that were not cycling specific, but then worked out that they don't work on gear cable outers, as they splay apart. So down to the LBS and I have the Park ones http://www.google.co.uk/products/ca...a=X&ei=RdCaT4nkFoO50QXR7a2ODw&ved=0CG8Q8gIwAA - stunning bit of kit


Über Member
I just use the cutting section on a pair of old pliers which has become blunted off over the years. Works well for me!


What’s the point
I had a high quality pair of cutters that were not cycling specific, but then worked out that they don't work on gear cable outers, as they splay apart. So down to the LBS and I have the Park ones http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?q=park cable cutters&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=jzU&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:ohmy:fficial&prmd=imvns&resnum=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=579&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=4522240013884429132&sa=X&ei=RdCaT4nkFoO50QXR7a2ODw&ved=0CG8Q8gIwAA - stunning bit of kit

or buy a normal pair and cut the inner cable inside a bit of old outer. the opposite way of dealing with the problem of crushed outer cable. i.e cutting the new outer with a bit of old inner in it

jay clock

Massive member
Hampshire UK
Having posted above, just had to use them! Gears playing up, and found a badly frayed cable almost snapped off inside the STI lever. Picked all the bits out with tweezers and pliers, then managed to lose the new nipple inside the housing! Reading glasses/tweezer combo, plus swearing and amazingly had it sorted. PHEW. And the lovely Park cutters finished it all off nicely


This generally doesn't work.
The ordinary solder that you'd just have around doesn't stick to stainless gear/brake cables

Tis true, normal solder doesnt stick to steel or stainless

I use shrink sleeving and fit using a Heat gun or Hair-dryer. This method is tidy, does not flatten or splay out the threads of the inner cable so that it can be re-threaded through the outer for maintainance.

I like that idea too...i always have some for work, can't believe its never occured to me.

Otherwise, pliers, water pump pliers, long nose pliers, careful use of side cutters, there's no great force needed to crimp them, almost anything will do.


Squat Member
I have some stock of steel wire and ferrules for work, now it may actually come in handy...
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