Female cyclist dies in Manchester..

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For what it's worth I'm not comfortable with these "a cyclist died" threads, unless it happens to be a person someone on the forum knows personally. They are a bit voyeuristic, they make it seem as if cycling's really dangerous, and I can't see the point of them - in fact I think they should be moderated out. Takes all sorts I suppose.

I kind of agree, but it's not up to me or you to decide what's right or wrong.

FWIW #1-the same kind of threads run on forums of car owners of a particular model.

FWIW #2 - that roundabout is one of the worst around Manchester. Extremely fast moving, wide and lots of blind spots. I avoid that. Being a competent cyclist will have little influence on negotiating it.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
And every highway engineer ever employed within 20 miles of Manchester should have to cycle it at rush hour before getting a job.


I may be speculating here, but I bet she was crossing the road using the pedestrian crossing (riding across) and the driver didn't see/was speeding etc... From the impact damage it would seem he hit her full side on, not a glancing blow from behind as if she were riding on the road. If he hit her while she was crossing on a red light, no wonder he's been arrested for dangerous driving.

Steve Malkin

A sad story, and my sympathy to anyone who knew the victim, but it does seem in this case as if the incident happened on a pedestrian crossing, so the fact that she was a cyclist may have been irrelevant, it could equally well have been a pedestrian using the crossing.

As for the OT debate about Potsy's supposedly sexist thread title, I think that if TMN goes looking for offence then she will surely find it even where there is none intended. If the degree of offence is to be judged by effect rather than intent then I would have thought that 95% of female readers would have found nothing to be offended about in Potsy's post so he has nothing to worry about. I'm willing to be persuaded otherwise though - do other female members find the thread title offensive?



The thread derailing and nit-picking on this thread is vomit inducing and pety:angry:, having said that free world and all.
In a series of tweets, Jaye’s partner added: “This is my worst nightmare. I’m taking comfort from the love for Jaye. She made so many people happy.
“She was brilliant and that’s how I will always remember her.
“She made me laugh every day. I don’t think it’s sunk in yet – I keep expecting her to walk in the door. I’m so happy that we had eight amazing years but devastated I won’t get to grow old with her.”


Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
It seems that a few cyclists are taking an anti cyclist stance these days and nit picking over the reasons why another cyclist has died on the roads. If you let these anti cyclist w*****s hear that "even cyclists agree with us"then they'll think it's a free for all!! I'm seriously concerned by the attitude of some drivers who i believe that if they could get away with it then they'd either kill us or do us some serious harm! Some motorists,wagon drivers,bus drivers,motorcyclists have an hatred of us "they don't pay effin' road tax"cyclists, so much that they'll be gloating over this poor cyclists death!
One fat little !%@~ was down my local pub last night gobbing off about some tandem riders who were riding two abreast. He seemed to think that he has a right to hit them with his car if they "get in his way"! Then he asked me if i was insured incase i hit his precious car,to which i replies that it'd be more serious if he hit me as i'd probably be seriously injured. "Yeah but my insurance would cover that,your lack of insurance wouldn't compensate me"he replied. He had no comprehension of how much a car impact has on a cyclist,or very little concern either. It's as if he and his kind think that we're worthless when on two wheels,and that we should be grateful even in death to receive some small amount of insurance pay out!:angry:


Über Member
"Thread derailing"? What is this thread actually about? The sanctimonious hand-wringing RIPs, the picking-over, the groundless empty speculation about the behaviour and subsequent death of a real person are the insensitive bit.
You are more concerned with policing language than by the fact that a cyclist has died. I don't think you're wrong but that your prorities are the wrong way around.
Whenever there's a RIP thread the same old faces pop up and say "Stop with the sactimonious hand wringing, I don't want to read this"

You've said it enough times that we know by know, maybe we could take your objections to these threads as read and the rest of us can pay our respects?


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I don't recall ever saying that before. And I don't see where my saying it this time has stopped anyone from doing what you call "paying respects", i.e. typing the letters R, I, and P, for all the good that does anyone.

How would you know that? Maybe some people feel better about the posting of such things either as the poster or the recipient.
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