I'm a fearful flyer too. I wasn't too bad until the whole security measures about liquids came in. We had flown up to Edinburgh the afternoon before. I woke up and put the telly on to discover they had uncovered this plot. We had to fly back the following week.
Flying to Cuba on honeymoon last year was pretty bad. I was in tears during take off and landing on both legs of the journey. Since then I have flown to Spain and Germany earlier this year.
I find having something else to occupy my mind helps a lot. The trip to Germany was with my Mum who is partially sighted so the fact I had to guide her everywhere and help her out kept my mind off the plane thing.
Contrary to advice on this thread, I find a shot of whisky is enough to give me the dutch courage to get on board. If it is a long flight or I am particularly anxious I may have another whisky on board, but never more than that.
Of course if you get the Dr to prescribe something, don't drink alcohol.
And yes I get a weird look for buying a drink while waiting for an early morning flight.
Flying to Cuba on honeymoon last year was pretty bad. I was in tears during take off and landing on both legs of the journey. Since then I have flown to Spain and Germany earlier this year.
I find having something else to occupy my mind helps a lot. The trip to Germany was with my Mum who is partially sighted so the fact I had to guide her everywhere and help her out kept my mind off the plane thing.
Contrary to advice on this thread, I find a shot of whisky is enough to give me the dutch courage to get on board. If it is a long flight or I am particularly anxious I may have another whisky on board, but never more than that.
Of course if you get the Dr to prescribe something, don't drink alcohol.
And yes I get a weird look for buying a drink while waiting for an early morning flight.