Father Christmas. At what age "should" kids stop believing in him?

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A cousin of my dad's did Santa Claus at the Sunday School Christmas party every year. Hi own son, aged about 5 at the time, recognised his Dad's boots!
I've never stopped believing 🎅Last night in the pub I convinced a 50+ year old sozzled old gent that Father Christmas is able to deliver presents to his chimney less flat 'by magic'.🤶


Heavy Metal Fan
I don't remember "finding out". I think it was a slow realisation that magic doesn't exist. I was probably 7 when I put all the pieces together and, much like religion, there were too many questions that couldn't be answered with scientific answers. We just let our son work it out on his own which he did at about 7 or 8

All uphill

Still rolling along
I don't recall ever believing in anything I couldn't sense or understand.

As a child I was quite content with my Mum and Dad.

We didn't ever promote false beliefs to our children, nor did we feel the need to disillusion them.


Über Member
Our Daughter was 4 years old and at the local church Santa arrived and gave the presents. Santa disappeared, and when we all emerged from church our daughter excitedly ran up to Vic and said "you've just missed Santa, what a shame" . . Vic showed suitable disappointment and fortunately she didn't realise Vic wore the same glasses as Santa!
Anyone who remembers Jasper Carrot's sketch about Father Christmas must surely question keeping the tradition alive :eek:


Über Member
When I was at Primary School (OK OK we called it Prep) Richard Dutton told everyone that Father Christmas was not real and it was really your Mum and Dad

I think in was in about 4th or 5th year

I was rather sceptical - but then I was cynical even at that age
but the concept did sort of make sense

so - naturally - I asked my Mum and Dad

I think they said something along the lines of
Well - if you say you believe then the presents keep coming - whether they come from Father Christmas or Mum and Dad
but if you start saying you do not believe and he is not real then if he is real then the presents might stop - now maybe Mum and Dad would make up the difference but is it worth the risk???

So - lets see what you think closer to Christmas??

It was never mentioned again and I still got a sack from Santa when I was in my 30s - although the quantity had dropped of dramatically since I was a kid!!!

(p.s.when I was much older my Dad said that if he was real then he wanted a serious word with him about the Baffle Ball he got me one year as it kept him awake half the bloomin' night after I found it!!!!)

Sort of like the logic behind religion - if you believe, and you’re right, you’ve won everything. If you believe, and you’re wrong, you’ve lost nothing.


Über Member
I don't recall ever believing in anything I couldn't sense or understand.

As a child I was quite content with my Mum and Dad.

We didn't ever promote false beliefs to our children, nor did we feel the need to disillusion them.

Beliefs like ‘justice’, ‘mercy’ and so on? :-)
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