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Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Ok, scoosh was just pointing out the content of the programme in your quote.

Cambridge dictionary online gives the following definition of the word diet:
when someone eats less food, or only particular types of food, because they want to become thinner or for medical reasons
I'm going on a diet next week and hope to lose two kilos before Christmas.
a crash/strict/calorie-controlled diet
The doctor put me on a low-salt diet to reduce my blood pressure.

I only used an online dictionary as I couldn't be bothered to get off my turbo trainer to look it up in the OED.:training:
If a diet is when someone eats less food it implies that when a diet stops you eat more and the weight returns. Calories in = caloies out and any extra is stored as fat. Although that is a little irrelevant in my instance because as you say weight loss is a pleasant side effect of this diet rather than the be all and end all.
The definition of the word "diet" probably has enough text without explaining BMR,calorie deficits,maintenance intake and all of the other stuff that is important to make it concise..
Yellow Fang

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I am on my 2nd Tuesday fast of the year. All I've had calorie-wise was some sugar when I pressed the wrong option on the coffee vendor. It's not too bad, I don't think.


Yes on the 5 2 as well -did second "fast" yesterday. I would recommend getting Dr Mosleys book " The Fast Diet", it has plenty of background and references for any that like their proof first.
I'll be reporting back shortly.
The thing is reducing calories means eating less. Eating less leaves you feeling starving all the time. Why suffer? Your better off exercising more to lose wight. Although I dont need to lose weight, physical activity makes me wanna eat more to recover the energy I already used up. I would really hate to diet. Plus its head work.


Senior Member
I never had to diet when I was in my twenties or thirties. Older women I worked with would look at me (8stone 0lbs) and tell me they used to be thin, just like me. "yeah right" I used to think. But they were right, as you get older your metabolism slows down, if you want to maintain the same weight (or thereabouts) you have a choice, up your exercise level or eat less or a combination of both. There are a lucky few who never seem to gain weight but for most of us eventually, there comes a point where exercise alone just doesn't do it. You have to alter your diet.

You're right, it is hard work, but this seems to me to be less onerous than being on a constant diet. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with feeling hungry but this way you're only hungry for a few hours, a couple of days a week. That, I can live with.
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Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
The thing is reducing calories means eating less.
It doesn't. It means consuming less calories, the amount you actually,physically consume depends on the caloric value of the food itself. 100g of the avg cheddar cheese would be about 440cals, 100g of cabbage (which will be a HUGE plate in comparison wouldn't be 1/10th of that <40cals per 100g. 440cals of cabbage would make even rabbits cry tbh.

Eating less leaves you feeling starving all the time. Why suffer?
It doesn't

Your better off exercising more to lose wight. Although I dont need to lose weight, physical activity makes me wanna eat more to recover the energy I already used up. I would really hate to diet. Plus its head work.
Weightloss is 80% diet 20% exercise. As the saying goes "abs are created in the kitchen"


Über Member
If I read posts about how eating a lettuce a day would make me lose weight and thought it was nonsense I would simply walk away from that particular thread and leave the believers to get on with it.

Why is there a need to slag people off who have an interest in this one?

It seems interesting whether weight loss is a by product or the principle reason, good luck to you with your attempts and ignore the critics


Über Member
Oh and try reading the forum guidelines it doesn't say anything about having a pop at people either


Vice Admiral
I've been doing it since October and have shed 1 and a half stone. I fast (600 calories) on a tuesday and thursday. I find it quite easy to do and i've thought more about what and how much i eat in general. I decided to try it after watching the Horizon with Michael Mosley. I stopped over christmas but started it again lastr week. I know medical opinion wouldn't recommend this as a diet but it's more than that and I thought the science demonstrated in the horizon programme was robust enough for me to give it a go.

Restricting calories restricts the production of IGF 1 which is a growth hormone. This means the body goes into repair mode and may reduce the chances of getting certain diseases such as cancer, diabetics, dementia etc. in later life, therefore not only is life expectancy increased so is quality of life.

I am seriously considering trying this diet. Do the two days have to be consecutive? Or is it just better if they are consecutive?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I am seriously considering trying this diet. Do the two days have to be consecutive? Or is it just better if they are consecutive?
The doctor on the programme spreads them out - Mon and Thu, I think, and that makes more sense to me.

I know people who eat like this, and have done all their lives - they are slim and healthy. They didn't watch TV programmes or read books about 'the fast diet' - they just aren't that bothered about food. They eat more when they feel hungry, and don't when they don't! It works for them.


Legendary Member
The thing is reducing calories means eating less. Eating less leaves you feeling starving all the time.k.

Typical 600 calorie day (diet is 500 for women, 600 for men)

Breakfast: 2 dry fried eggs, 2 dry fried fat free bacon rashers = 200 calories

lunch: Apple and banana = 200 calories

evening meal: mountain of oven roast Mediterranean veg with small fish fillet = 200 calories
or enormous bowl of tomato and lentil soup (very light on lentils, big on spicing)

I lost 2-3 kg = a notch on my belt in December on the 5:2 pattern

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