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Vice Admiral
Thank you all for your replies. In the article I read about this diet, people were following it two days in a row. I would prefer to chose two of the days when I am at home all day. So that would be Mondays and Thursdays, usually. Finding two consecutive days could be tricky.

I am thinking that following this diet and losing weight, is much healthier for me, imo, than not following it, and therefore not losing weight.

PK99, I notice you have some meat and fish in your guidelines of what you eat. The article I read, suggested milk or milk products, I think I prefer your version. Losing 2-3 kg in one month, ie 5/7lbs, seems a healthy steady weightloss. :thumbsup: Are you still following it? Are you eating home-made soups?


Legendary Member
Thank you all for your replies. In the article I read about this diet, people were following it two days in a row. I would prefer to chose two of the days when I am at home all day. So that would be Mondays and Thursdays, usually. Finding two consecutive days could be tricky.

I am thinking that following this diet and losing weight, is much healthier for me, imo, than not following it, and therefore not losing weight.

PK99, I notice you have some meat and fish in your guidelines of what you eat. The article I read, suggested milk or milk products, I think I prefer your version. Losing 2-3 kg in one month, ie 5/7lbs, seems a healthy steady weightloss. :thumbsup: Are you still following it? Are you eating home-made soups?

The milk thing seems a little faddy and all the articles i have read, apart from your link, specify non consecutive days, you do not want to body to go into full starvation mode, you just want to change the balance. We are eating everything we normally do, but less of it on the fast days, the only real difference on fast days is more filling protein and less starchy carbs.

home made veg soups with a small amount of pasta or rice added are indeed a frequent item on the fast day menu - enormous, filling bowlsfull with a very low calorie content.

I do all the cooking at PK mansions, and one of the tricks is to make the fast day evening meal high on interest low on calories: char grilled ratatouille veg with a feta cheese, chilli and balsamic oil-less dressing is fantastic!


Well-Known Member
I normally skip breakfast and have a home made soup at lunchtime. My good lady makes a 'fasting soup' tomato based with veg, cous cous and chick peas in it. Big and hearty - even better with a bit of chilli :hungry: - any homemade soup would be pretty good though.
Then for tea we normally have just smaller portions of the foods we normally eat - we don't buy convienience food though. If you want to increase the portion size increase the veggies - I was eating massive bowls of runner beans in the summer :laugh:. Generally fast on a Monday and Friday as this fits in with when I exercise and stops me drinking on a Friday night! If I was looking for a breakfast I would go for a 2 egg omelette maybe with a bit of ham in it.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I started my 'fast diet' experiment today.

Since getting up, I have had a small banana chopped into about 175 g of low fat unsweetened natural yoghurt. Oh, plus one sugar in a coffee and about 100 mL total of skimmed milk in my tea and coffee.

I just bought a large bag of mixed salad leaves to have this evening - guess how many calories? Lower! No, lower still! Only 20 cals for the whole bag! I'm going to add some cherry tomatoes, cucumber, celery, and half a finely chopped red onion,. I'll make my usual salad dressing but omit the olive oil - juice of half a lemon, some balsamic vinegar, freshly ground black pepper, a teaspoon of multigrain mustard, 1/3 teaspoon of honey, about 100 mL of low fat natural yog, crushed garlic, and a chopped chilli to add some 'bite'! I'll have a couple of hard-boiled eggs with it.

I'll have 250 mL of OJ this evening mixed with 250 mL of water.

I guesstimate that lot to be 600-750 calories. I'm quite big so I think I can go a bit over the 600 calorie guideline for the 'average' man.

My weight has been holding fairly steady for the past month or two, so this change should have it falling by at least a pound a week. (I'll be 4,000 - 5,000 calories a week down and 1 pound ~= 3,500 cals.)


Squat Member
I'm quite big so I think I can go a bit over the 600 calorie guideline for the 'average' man.

I can definitely vouch your height Colin, good luck with the plan! :thumbsup:

This weekend has been my first two rides since mid November. Freezing my ass off but have to start somewhere, I put on over 10lbs so need to work it off now.

The Jogger

Legendary Member
Had a fasting day today, just 600 cals and feel good for it. Some people might knock it but they probably aren't on it or haven't even tried it, go figure.

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