I just watched the rest of the documentary. At times, some of the presenters were a little bit OTT, but you have to admit that there were some spectacular weight losses on display. There were some very bright, healthy-looking people talking!
I've just been given a juicer so I am going to experiment with juicing. I already eat a lot of fruit and veg but it would interesting to try some of it uncooked in juice form. It would be especially handy for those times when I want to make something healthy and time is short.
Good glad you liked it, I know what you mean about some of the presenters but you have to admit the underlying message made a lot of sense.
After watching that I decided to do an experiment this week so instead of having corn flakes for breakfast with sugar on top followed by crumpets or toast with honey on I am having cornflakes with a handfull of nuts and a sliced bananananananana and no sugar, then instead of some ready meal or other I am having a salad with a large range of things in it like for instance lettuce, spinach, red cabbage, beetroot, radish, cucumber, tomato, egg and some meat like a couple of slices of ham. Then if i get peckish instead of have a cadburys brunch bar or something similar I am having an apple or a banananananananananana.
After two days of doing that I have noticed the following : I have lost 3lbs in 2 days, I am not getting sugar cravings as much, I am not getting heart burn or indegestion at all and I feel much better in the morning instead of been knackered and my stomach is noticably less fat/bloated that it was. So I am going to try messing about eating different things to see how that affects me, but it just shows you the rubbish we can put into our bodies on a daily basis but rather than going on a diet I want to alter what and the way I eat all the time if I can that way I dont have to think about it and there is less chance of gaining it all back again, if I can do that or not remains to be seen.
Also I am glad I gave up drinking soft drinks 5 years ago, especially after finding out whats in most of them
I am also getting a juicer to see if I can get on with that as well but I am in two minds about that, but I am willing give it a go and we will see.