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Puzzle game procrastinator!
It's hard for me to know how I would cope with the fasting days when active because I am doing very little at the moment due to illness. All being well, I'll get back on my bike in a month or two and then I will find out!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
@colinj I watched a program on Netfix last night that you might find interesting it is called Hungry For Change, I found a link to it on the internet here ->
I watched the first 30 minutes last night. Yes - it's an interesting documentary. I'll finish watching it tonight.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a fasting day but I have to give 8 tubes of blood tomorrow and I don't fancy doing that on an empty stomach! Actually, I don't fancy it, full stop, but it needs to be done to see how my recovery from illness is progressing. I'll fast on Thursday instead.


Vice Admiral
My first "fast" day went reasonably well yesterday. As planned, breakfast was porridge, and my evening meal was lean bacon with baked beans. An apple filled the gap in between.

Unfortunately, there were some very persuasive almonds in the cupboard, that were irresisstible at 10pm. :blush: The good news is that today, I have not over-eaten to compensate. (There are not many almonds left either.) The next fast day is. planned for Friday. It was going to be Thursday, but I am meeting a friend somewhere (her choice) in the afternoon, where I know they sell most scrumptious cakey items. ^_^


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I watched the first 30 minutes last night. Yes - it's an interesting documentary. I'll finish watching it tonight.
I just watched the rest of the documentary. At times, some of the presenters were a little bit OTT, but you have to admit that there were some spectacular weight losses on display. There were some very bright, healthy-looking people talking!

I've just been given a juicer so I am going to experiment with juicing. I already eat a lot of fruit and veg but it would interesting to try some of it uncooked in juice form. It would be especially handy for those times when I want to make something healthy and time is short.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I just watched the rest of the documentary. At times, some of the presenters were a little bit OTT, but you have to admit that there were some spectacular weight losses on display. There were some very bright, healthy-looking people talking!

I've just been given a juicer so I am going to experiment with juicing. I already eat a lot of fruit and veg but it would interesting to try some of it uncooked in juice form. It would be especially handy for those times when I want to make something healthy and time is short.

Good glad you liked it, I know what you mean about some of the presenters but you have to admit the underlying message made a lot of sense.

After watching that I decided to do an experiment this week so instead of having corn flakes for breakfast with sugar on top followed by crumpets or toast with honey on I am having cornflakes with a handfull of nuts and a sliced bananananananana and no sugar, then instead of some ready meal or other I am having a salad with a large range of things in it like for instance lettuce, spinach, red cabbage, beetroot, radish, cucumber, tomato, egg and some meat like a couple of slices of ham. Then if i get peckish instead of have a cadburys brunch bar or something similar I am having an apple or a banananananananananana.

After two days of doing that I have noticed the following : I have lost 3lbs in 2 days, I am not getting sugar cravings as much, I am not getting heart burn or indegestion at all and I feel much better in the morning instead of been knackered and my stomach is noticably less fat/bloated that it was. So I am going to try messing about eating different things to see how that affects me, but it just shows you the rubbish we can put into our bodies on a daily basis but rather than going on a diet I want to alter what and the way I eat all the time if I can that way I dont have to think about it and there is less chance of gaining it all back again, if I can do that or not remains to be seen.

Also I am glad I gave up drinking soft drinks 5 years ago, especially after finding out whats in most of them xx(

I am also getting a juicer to see if I can get on with that as well but I am in two minds about that, but I am willing give it a go and we will see.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
After watching that I decided to do an experiment this week so instead of having corn flakes for breakfast with sugar on top followed by crumpets or toast with honey on I am having cornflakes with a handfull of nuts and a sliced bananananananana and no sugar,
The cornflakes should go too! Porridge - breakfast of champions. (Plus knackered old gits in Hebden Bridge!) :thumbsup:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

(But it's relatively easy to get a horse to eat oats!) :thumbsup:


Today is my 2nd fast this week. First day was monday and i had a small bowl of muesli with splash of milk and a chopped up banana. for lunch I had a bean pasta salad. I got a bit hungry later on in the night, but nothing major. Just made sure i kept stocked up on water.

Yesterday it was my mother in laws birthday and she had a meal organised. I had the first serving but didnt have any more, (normally i would have 2nd or 3rds:smile:. but i did have a couple of pieces of cake :P

I have had the same food as Monday but am commuting to and from work, so it will be interesting to see what the hunger is like later on tonight.


well after doing a 15 mile round trip commute and keeping my cals to around the 700 mark, I did get really hungry later on in the night, but nothing that I could'nt handle.

I know that calorie burn on apps are guestimates at best, but by sportstracklive reckoning I burned over 1000 cals on my commute. so assuming that is out by a large factor, even 50% , then I burned nearly the same calories on my commute(500), as I consumed.

One thing though is that my legs were sore this morning and the ride in was more difficult than normal(but there was a head wind and rain).
This could be down to me changing my route on Tuesday, and nothing to do with the drop in calorie intake but thought it would was worthwhile mentioning.

Interesting, lets see how tomorrow goes :biggrin:, both on the bike and when i weight myself :biggrin:

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