Far too early to be bonking?

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How much sleep are you getting? Sleep is a big factor with fitness for me, anything less than 7 hours and I feel nauseous after a while too, especially if I go out a couple of hours after waking up.

Edit: Just read through properly and someone has already mentioned that, never mind!


Active Member
I can't remember how much I got Saturday night, but last night it was 7 1/4. I usually get around 7 hours a night really


back and brave
Try it at a slower pace, or warming up first. You do seem to me to be setting off quite quickly, for a beginner anyway.

It takes me a good 20 to 30 minutes before everything feels right.


Legendary Member
As others have said, you need to ease yourself into a run. Push yourself too hard without warming up and you will be liable to blow up.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
As others have said, you need to ease yourself into a run. Push yourself too hard without warming up and you will be liable to blow up.

Yep that sounds like bonking :hyper:


Active Member
Thanks for the advice on the cycling, and erm general life... :laugh:

I won't get a chance to get out again until Thursday AM, but will try larger breakfast, skip coffee and take it easier at the start and see how I go.


Rural Quebec
The connection between bonking and bonking is foreplay. As John Cleese said if you go straight for the clistmas you will spoil everything, I don't want to turn this analogy too pornographic but you need to warm up and ease into it gently.

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
As others said, just keep cycling regularly, and it will get easier. You'll bonk less, and you'll have more energy for bonking (if you get my meaning) ^_^. Also try getting more than 7 hours a night sleep, try for 8 instead, that may make a difference.

Raging Squirrel

Well-Known Member
North West
Ive just started again from last year, and been doing 15 mile rides and been feeling fine, and I'm very unfit. The one thing I did notice is wh
en there is a head wind, my legs feel like they're dying. I just push on til my mid way point and look forward to the push back haha. I'd say you were pushing too hard too early. I have the same meal as you before a ride so that should be okay
As as been mentioned, ease into a ride for the first couple of miles, I get my best from 15 miles onwards well till about 35 miles, cycle more your really not doing much, I understand anything can seem a long way or a like a mountain, I am pretty much like sittingduck in terms of cadence, and I don't particularly like spinning up hills, when I started last June 12 miles was a long way and any incline hurt, they only way to get better is more miles and more miles, but at a pace you can ride comfortably, you will find you can go further at a slightly lower pace but the extra distance may be more beneficial.
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