Extreme sugar cravings

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Über Member
Malaga, Spain
It could be that your craving the seratonin released when you eat sugary foods, not the foods themselves. I have quite a big problem with this, particularly when I'm stressed.

Or it could just mean that you're very hungry, and the meal you've eaten isn't enough.

If you've depleted your glycogen stores, the body's immediate goal is to refill them. Quick release carbs will be its preferred choice, but if you've eaten enough slow release carbs soon enough after finishing the ride, that will satisfy it.


An extra bowl of porride before you go out ;)
LOL, tried that.

It causes pressure in the stomach/bowel area.
My craving have mainly subsided,.
Maybe as my fitness has improved and maybe because I snack at regular intervals.

I've also edged towards the opinion that white bread is better than wholemeal for this purpose.
Apart from French bread, I have always bought a wholemeal type, so that is a fundamental change.


Did an 80 miles today.
Snacked on jam sandwiches and a couple of packs of crisps.

No sugar craving again. Little wind so an easy ride but its looking like carbohydrate plus some sugars does prevent depletion, thus no craving.
Looks like I have Chris Obree to thank there.


". After reading graham obree's book on cycle training "

Either his brother Chris just died or I've been displaying my marvellous memory talents yet again.
I forget which is correct.
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