Ex Forces??

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gavintc said:
Bit cutting arbitrary. Have you been on the sauce again?
Nah. He's just gone into default attack mode because he doesn't like having his tail tweaked. Pity because I actually like having the potty little gimp around. ;)


Legendary Member
Chuffy said:
I thought you were still sulking, my little candied parsnip...;)

I briefly considered joining the RAF but decided that it would be a monumental mistake and neither side would benefit. I do wonder occasionally if it would have actually been a useful experience and I'd love to have all that Forces slang at my fingertips.

Nearest Iever came was being a dental receptionist at CTCRM Lympstone. No, really.

Not dressed like that i hope Chuffy:smile:
graham56 said:
Not dressed like that i hope Chuffy:smile:

No. I was on the dole at the time and got a call from the job centre. I think they were desperate... Anyway. Take one fresh-from-dropping-out-of-college long-haired, ear-ringed hippy and drop him in front of a load of wannabe Marines with toothache. ;) It wasn't all that bad actually and I got about 0.001% of the grief that I was expecting.


New Member
gavintc said:
Bit cutting arbitrary. Have you been on the sauce again?

Don't get me wrong gavin. I like chuffy, but he's not a real cyclist. But yet he drinks and that is evident in the lack of grammar and intellectual content of his posts.

Have you been on the sauce gavintc, you worm?


Abitrary said:
Don't get me wrong gavin. I like chuffy, but he's not a real cyclist. But yet he drinks and that is evident in the lack of grammar and intellectual content of his posts.

Have you been on the sauce gavintc, you worm?

I have actually - just finished off a good bottle of Glenkinchie.
gavintc said:
I have actually - just finished off a good bottle of Glenkinchie.



New Member
gavintc said:
I have actually - just finished off a good bottle of Glenkinchie.

That sounds a bit scottish alcoholic to me, so forgive me if I slope off whilst you mutter on and make a cream cheese omelette.


My dad was in the Army for years and we were always bloody moving house. You just got settled, then it was up sticks and off again.

As a result I was born in Colchester (one of my sisters in Cyprus, one of my brothers in Hanover) and education in godness knows how many schools. I'm also the eldest of six kids (think the telly was always broke when dad came home on leave!!)

I'm fairly sure the constant moving house/town/country was what gave me a good sense of direction - I can often return somewhere years later and remember my way around. Equally, my social skills are pretty good and I've always been quite self reliant; again, I suppose this comes from simply having to just get on with it.

My dad absolutely love the Army life and if him and my mum hadn't gone so mad in the having kids department he'd have probably staying in for a lot longer (I think he was a Staff Sergent [is that right?] when he left).

He does have one complaint about his army days - blames all the route marches for his dodgy arthritic knees!!

Shaun ;)
gavintc said:
Royal enjoys a bit of cross dressing, naked bars etc.

Good old Royal.....

Strength of a carthorse
Speed of a racehorse,
Brains of a rocking Horse!

Royal Naval Medic until 1995 and "Options for Change" and redundancy, still live in Gosport and work in rotation in the same department I used to be in as a matelot!

And one for Chuffy.....

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