We will have to politely disagree on how we manage car temperature.
Lowering the visor makes zero noticeable difference to any car temperature I’ve been in…..& I will often nudge it up or down a little. On a hot day, I will want a blast of hot air to my face first, then adjust to go to that +screen+legs. All a massive faff stabbing at a screen, especially if on the move.
If you never change yours, then you were built for a screen-only Tesla 💪
We have always used climate control like you, I thought (mistakenly I now gather) that every one did.
For sure CC can maintain a dialed-in temperature pretty much ad-infinitum.
Get into a car feeling hot and sweaty after a long walk though, and suddenly that comfortable 20C you set several weeks/months ago is not so attractive.
Without getting too distracted on CC per se, the new VW chief has mandated a move away from touch controls for certain functions - general feedback being that they are fiddly, difficult to use accurately and require more distraction time to simple rotaries and buttons. Maybe other manufacturers will follow suit?