Etape Caledonia Sabotaged

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Well-Known Member
I wonder what (if any) punishment would be given if found guilty? How about 1 day in clink for each and every p*nct*r*?
killiekosmos said:
and this web site is run by Mr Hounam (our friendly ACRE member and local cafe owner - and ex ST journo)

pffffttt! What cracking reporting. So ARSE has got 500 members has it. What they mean is they've got 500 names on a petition. 200 were foriegn visitor who didn't know what they were signing, 120 were the local tea/knitting/community groups who also didn't know what they were signing, 40 signed it because they sign everything, 120 signed it because they thought it was the petition to build a swimming pool and 20 actually signed it in full knowledge but half of them were married to each other.
Actually I particularly like this quote from ARSE.

“We wholeheartedly deplore what occurred. Any suggestion of direct action has been strongly discouraged at every meeting we have held"

Oh right, so the subject came up at most meetings did it.
Noodley said:
Would it be strange to find out that the accused is a member of ACRE then....

So far I haven't read that but it wouldn't surprise me as the accused seems to be a member of everything. He didn't run the hardware shop as well did he?


Well-Known Member
Crackle said:
So how did they track him down then, because I honestly didn't think they would, though I'm sure the local polis had a good idea who it was likely to have been but proving it..........

Second-hand information- but I heard speculation that that he bought the tacks in the local hardware store & was shopped by the owner.


back and brave
I'm interested in just what punishment he'll receive. I'm not anticipating anything more than a 'naughty boy' bound over to keep the peace kind of thing. It'll be seen merely as a moment of madness given his local standing.


HLaB said:
...even if he escapes as likely ;) with just a fine ?

Why do people do this? First it was 'the police will never catch the person responsible' and now it's 'he'll only get fined'. Wait to see what happens eh?

He is appearing on petition which means it is being viewed very seriously.
Noodley said:
Why do people do this? First it was 'the police will never catch the person responsible' and now it's 'he'll only get fined'. Wait to see what happens eh?

He is appearing on petition which means it is being viewed very seriously.
Unfortunately past examples usually have this outcome; as you say its best to see what actually happens. I'm glad to see appearing on petition is a pretty serious thing, it should be.
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