Etape Caledonia Sabotaged

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back and brave
In my case, I think that because nobody was actually injured that this won't be judged particularly seriously. It's entirely possible that the beak will come to the view that it was 'just a few blow-outs' so no big thing... and the man is a fine and upstanding citizen. Taking off my cyclists hat, I can see where that pov comes from.


HLaB said:
I'm glad to see appearing on petition is a pretty serious thing, it should be.

In Scotland there is either a complaint which is held under Summary procedure which can be heard in a Justice of the Peace or a Sheriff Court; or there is a petition which is held under Solemn procedure, which means either Sheriff and Jury or the High Court, with greater sentencing options.



He continued: “Now you have the cheek to insist we should give up our campaign and our complaint because the race has become enormous and is therefore a fait accompli.
“You should appreciate that if the event was run properly as a trial with participants starting over several hours, as it was meant to be, there would be no problem having the race on open roads. ACRE would help marshall such a trial but fully in aid of local interests not an interloper like Etape Caledonia.”
Concluding, Peter Hounam wrote: “There is an arrogant tone ...which I deplore. You represent the 500 plus people who back ACRE as much as anyone else but now we know where you stand - something it has been hitherto difficult to discern. I for one shall not be voting for you again.”

They really don't get it do they? The reason why so many cyclists head north for this event is because it is on closed roads! What they're proposing is tantamount to a time trial :blush: And LOL at the interloper comment, that's the real problem isn't it? Those 'outsiders' B)



New Member
The interesting possibility that arises here is that if this chap is convicted it could leave the way open to those who suffered to raise civil actions against him.

People I know who were in the lead group would have had two damaged tyres, a few inner tubes and gas cylinders etc so £60 or £70 there each for starters.

If you factor in entry fees and cost of travel/camping you could work up to a tidy sum.

If EVERYBODY did this then he could face a very hefty bill indeed :blush:


namastebuzz said:
The interesting possibility that arises here is that if this chap is convicted it could leave the way open to those who suffered to raise civil actions against him.

Another legal point: there is no need for a conviction to raise a civil action. Criminal law requires proof 'beyond reasonable doubt' whereas civil law requires proof on the 'balance of probabilities'. Essentially less proof is required for civil cases.


New Member
Noodley said:
Another legal point: there is no need for a conviction to raise a civil action. Criminal law requires proof 'beyond reasonable doubt' whereas civil law requires proof on the 'balance of probabilities'. Essentially less proof is required for civil cases.

Yes exactly, the point I was making means it's therefore a lot easier to go ahead with a civil case when the higher standard of proof has been reached in a criminal case - correct?


Noodley said:
Another legal point: there is no need for a conviction to raise a civil action. Criminal law requires proof 'beyond reasonable doubt' whereas civil law requires proof on the 'balance of probabilities'. Essentially less proof is required for civil cases.

This surely means that if IMG were to not fill an assumed allocation of 3500 places, they could sue Mr Grosset for loss of revenue!

That, I would like to see (I'd like to see the roads full more).


New Member
namastebuzz said:
The interesting possibility that arises here is that if this chap is convicted it could leave the way open to those who suffered to raise civil actions against him.
People I know who were in the lead group would have had two damaged tyres, a few inner tubes and gas cylinders etc so £60 or £70 there each for starters.
If EVERYBODY did this then he could face a very hefty bill indeed :ohmy:
How do you raise a civil action? I lost a front tyre, 2 inner tubes and shared out a pack of park glueless patches, cost £40.
What would be more interesting would be, if he made a gesture of a substantial donation to a cycling charity and cyclists agreed not to claim recompense.


Isla Valassi said:
Don't forget, emergency vehicles were also damaged. Pretty serious in itself.

2 motor cycles needed to be 'rescued' due to multiple punctures and a Traffic car had loads of tacks stuck in tyres.


Noodley said:
2 motor cycles needed to be 'rescued' due to multiple punctures and a Traffic car had loads of tacks stuck in tyres.
[adopts cynical tone]

Ah, now it's serious because motor vehicles (not just bicycles) are involved :biggrin:

In truth, I don't believe this at all. I think the police and local authorities are dealing with this entirely properly and we will see a just decision.

When is he next up in court ?


scoosh said:
When is he next up in court ?

Bloody hell, do you think I have a crystal ball?! :biggrin::laugh:

I could bore you to tears about legal times for diets but won't...suffice to say he'll be back before next years event. ;)
namastebuzz said:
The interesting possibility that arises here is that if this chap is convicted it could leave the way open to those who suffered to raise civil actions against him.

People I know who were in the lead group would have had two damaged tyres, a few inner tubes and gas cylinders etc so £60 or £70 there each for starters.

If you factor in entry fees and cost of travel/camping you could work up to a tidy sum.

If EVERYBODY did this then he could face a very hefty bill indeed :sad:

Alves said:
How do you raise a civil action? I lost a front tyre, 2 inner tubes and shared out a pack of park glueless patches, cost £40.

Are you a member of CTC or BC or similar ?
- why not contact their legal aid dept and ask how they will help you claim for your loss and damages, in the same way as if you'd been in an accident with a car or wanted to claim against the council for crashing in a pothole ?

On BR, someone who is a CTC member says their legal aid dept is considering a class-action claim against this guy for the losses their members have suffered.


Noodley said:
Bloody hell, do you think I have a crystal ball?! :biggrin::laugh:
But of course :ohmy:

I had been led to believe that the famous Noodley knew all things :biggrin:

Is this an admission that he doesn't :?: :?: :?: :ohmy:

In truth, I was wondering if he had been let out until a specific date - ie the court date. "Released (on bail) until xx date" type of report.
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