English Question

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Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
One specific question is: "Is it grammatically correct for the question to start with 'do'?"
Do you really think it matters ?


I occasionally get asked to check people's English, but this is a new one. Someone who has written a scientific paper wants me to check the title:

"Do roe deer show altered temporal activity patterns before and after wolf presence?"

One specific question is: "Is it grammatically correct for the question to start with 'do'?"

As far as I remember it is, but I may have forgotten something. Any thoughts?

I would suggest to check the target journal or journals to see what titles look like.


'Do' is grammatically correct. The two words I seem to remember as a no-no at the start of a sentence are 'and' & 'but'.

I seem to remember being told that in school, but I think its wrong and starting a sentence with either, is absolutely fine.


Kilometre nibbler
Dey don't doe, do dey doe

Da does do.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I think the title of a paper should be phrased as a statement rather than as a question.

Roe deer show altered temporal activity patterns before and after wolf presence​

I would also change 'wolf presence' as it seems an odd phrasing. Perhaps 'exposure to the presence of wolves' or something like that?

Roe deer show altered temporal activity patterns before and after exposure to the presence of wolves​
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I occasionally get asked to check people's English, but this is a new one. Someone who has written a scientific paper wants me to check the title:

"Do roe deer show altered temporal activity patterns before and after wolf presence?"

One specific question is: "Is it grammatically correct for the question to start with 'do'?"

As far as I remember it is, but I may have forgotten something. Any thoughts?

I've no idea about grammar, I'm hopeless at it, but what's the answer? I would assume that they would, but don't really know.
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