Ming the Merciless
There is no mercy
- Location
- Inside my skull
A sprinkling of methamphetamine in my water keeps me going.
… To the hospital
A sprinkling of methamphetamine in my water keeps me going.
Now we seem to be drifting off topic a bit ...
A thing that is worth knowing about is Hyponatremia. This is low blood sodium due to losing a lot of salt through sweat and over-drinking plain water without salts. It can be life threatening.
It's unlikely to be a problem for ordinary people doing ordinary rides in this country but worth knowing about all the same.
I read a frightening account of this from a guy who did a cycling event in the mountains in Europe somewhere on a hot day - a cyclosportive or challenge or some such (I've searched for it and could never find it again). He was fortunate that when he collapsed a medic was present who realised what was going on. He was helicoptered out and his life was in danger for a while.
That's pretty extreme, but having read it I make sure I am taking in some salt/electrolytes and not just plain water or just sweet drinks when doing long rides on hot days. I favour hi 5 (or similar) tabs for this as the concentrations are worked out for you - just stick a tab in a bottle. But if you want to do it on the cheap I'm sure it's possible to work out the concentration required.
This is the funniest response! Possibly if not reminded i would done the same! 😂This could go in the "sometimes I am amazed by my own stupidity" thread.
Years ago, when I was a runner, I filled my water bottle with coke (without first making sure it had gone flat). I put it in my bum-bag style bottle holder and set off. I had gone barely 100 yards before it exploded up my back.
If so, I would suggest that you get the type with sugar in, otherwise you'd be trying to get energy out of Aspartame (other nasty zero calorie chemical sweeteners are available) and that wouldn't be very successful.Orange, lemon & pineapple squash (not too strong) and a pinch of salt.
other squash combos are available
What i know about human biology is next to nothing but aren't vitamins pretty irrelevant in this? I had the idea that what's important is fuel to make sure you don't bonk plus stuff to hopefully prevent cramps.I don't have near the experience on longer rides as many here do, but I find that drinking at a regular interval rather than waiting until I feel thirsty is essential to my stamina.
I rarely use anything but tap water in my bottles but sometimes drink something with some vitamins and carbs if it is available enroute. I also find that some mineral supplement helps me avoid cramps if taken the night before a ride or after a long ride.
I agree, I should have bit a bit more specific.aren't vitamins pretty irrelevant in this?