Energy conservation ... sitting vs standing on hill climbs.

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david k

North West
I stand on the flat.

Then you ride a BMX Sir


Nr Cambridge
Most folks aren't doing it "wrong". You have to find your own way when climbing on a bike.
WRT fossy, if your speed is dropping when you're out of the saddle then you're getting your out of the saddle technique wrong or utilising it when your body is in a condition where it can't stand the extra load which standing up induces on your body. The hard part of standing up on the pedals is actually keeping your power output down to the level it should be! If you're at VO2max & in a condition where you're too fatigued to go anaerobic you shouldn't be standing up (you've also pushed way to hard earlier in the ride).


Perhaps he is just tired and his mind/body is telling him to get out of the saddle. It might not be the most efficient way (we'll never know) but mentally it might be more efficient than frinding away in the saddle.

It depends what you want out of cycling. If you are happy doing your own thing then it's not worth worrying about.


I tend to alternate between sitting and standing. Find standing gets the momentum going, then once the desired momentum/cadence is achieved the bum goes back down and runs with it. A technique I also employ when accelerating either from stationary (especially if you get caught out in the wrong gear) or moving and wish to 'up it'.


I mix it up to vary the muscle usage on a good climb. If it's a long climb I stay sat as much as possible whereas a short climb I stand and give it some beans! :smile:
Surprised that nobody has mentioned bike weight as this makes a massive difference when climbing

In my case, bike weight accounts for less than 10% of my overall 'system' weight (ie, me + bike + kit) - so no, it doesn't make much of a difference. For a typical road bike, the heavier you are, the less difference it will make.
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