I wonder if anyone could help with this because I am at my wits end with British Gas and have no idea how or where I should go to resolve my difficulties. All the tariffs, bills shown are from "My Account" or BG email and not any general statement on BG website. The situation is this:
- People's Energy failed and I was switched to BG from 01/11/2021
- With every supplier I have always recorded and submitted my own readings
- Billed 09/12/2021 and 22/12/2021
- Billing ceased until I chased up and was eventually billed 30/03/2022 for £520.65 which was a shock. Agree I should have chased sooner
- Bills proved to have a variety of issues each month from January to July each of which I contacted BG about. Each time an issue was corrected a new issue arose
- 09/08/2022 by chance I spoke to an individual who grasped the problem and undertook to correct the situation. This took 90 minutes on the phone and resulted in my opening readings on 01/11/2021 being revised upwards putting me in credit
- 15/08/2022 all previous bills cancelled and replaced by a single bill for 01/11/2021 to 14/08/2021. It was complex and while I could probably check it accurately can't stand the heartache. This revision put me £140.36 in credit
- I was advised to always submit my readings on the 19th of the month to comply with the billing cycle. My intention was to take readings on 19/09/2022
- 17/09/2022 a new bill arrived for the period 01/11/2021 to 06/09/2022 placing me £211.42 in credit. On the BG website this bill shows as £883.76 but when I open the bill the total is £839.28
- At this point I gave up. Created a new spreadsheet to record readings, calculate my likely costs each month and set the money to one side to pay when a solution is eventually reached. I resolved not to contact BG as it simply makes me angry and is unlikely to improve matters
That is the history. After receiving email on 22/09/2022 advising charges from 01/10/2022 I doublechecked costs etc and found the following:
- BG website current tariff Gas 10.326/kWh standing charge 28.485/day. Electric 33.476/kWh standing charge 43.26/day
- Most recent bill tariff Gas 6.993/kWh standing charge 25.923. Electric 26.686/kWh standing charge 40.23/day. These are costs shown as at 14/08/22
- BG email 22/09/2022 states current tariff Gas 7.343/kWh standing charge 27.220/day. Electric 28.021/kWh standing charge 42.242/day
- BG email 22/09/2022 states tariff from 01/10/2022 will be Gas 10.326/kWh standing charge 28.485/day. Electric 33.476/kWh standing charge 43.26/day. This is exactly the same as the tariff BG shows on My Account today
I like to think of myself as a reasonably intelligent individual. I am at a complete loss as to what is going on and more importantly do not understand what I should be paying now or what my costs will be from 01/10/2022. I'm very worried I will end up with a huge bill which I have not set aside enough money for. Finally I have absolutely no idea where to go for help.
Do I go to the ombudsman? Do I have to set all this out in a letter to BG first (complaints are only taken in letter form, not email)?
I have no confidence whatsoever in BG to resolve the situation. I have contacted BG at least once a month for eight months and no one seems capable of correcting the situation. At least I've got it off my chest somewhere!!!