£0.00 seems to be the going rate these days
wouldnt have had that back in my days of living at home and working.......mine was £50 a week, plus the council tax bill ( when i moved back home at 26yrs for 2yrs)
£0.00 seems to be the going rate these days
£0.00 seems to be the going rate these days
Its perhaps human nature for the / some young to expect it to continue as it always did...free.
My son is back home, only get minimal benefits but we still charge him £100 per month...which tbf is a chunk out of those benefits but waddayado ? He's an adult now.
That includes food, hot water, whatever he always needed as a kid.
He is negotiating it down, he want to buy his own food, tbf it is difficult getting / knowing what he eats / wants so we are kinda in agreement, probably charge him a nominal £40 a month, no food. The reality is, he will still eat some of ours, I know that but again, waddayado ?
For the record, he is long term / almost permanently not able to work, stress, anxiety, depression and heart irregularities...add into the mix, he never ever did make good choices. He's a good kid (now adult) but let's call his lifestyle...alternative, nonconformist.
We make allowances happily, sometimes grudgingly, but hes no different than a kid with mental health issues, you wouldn't turn your back on that so why would you who can't process the world and make decisions most others would, its just his chemical mix as I call it.
Lots of info there, for a reason. Some would say he's an adult, why make exception, why should he cause you expense, live for virtually nothing....because he isn't like 'normal' people..he doesn't / cannot process life as we do mentally. Its a Curse for him...and for us but we love and support him.
no chance of "you will eat what your given" then ??
There's the normal range of foods, some requested by himself. When they're gone they're gone, he eats whatever is there...or not. We don't bend over backwards, rather make some soft allowances.
im just wondering why the £60 reduction, if he's eating whats put in front of him.......i mean i used to buy my own food too, but no chance of a reduction as rent/mortgae, electric, gas, water, Ctax etc etc are all costs and need to be paid and me living there raised some of those costs, including the food bill, whether i ate it or not
But all power to you, if you can afford to do it....
He eats very sporadically and is very fussy, certainly not a big eater. We can afford it, no problem there but this will stop him low level moaning there's nothing in for him.![]()
His trip I think was the making of him, whilst there he shared a flat with another, they had to meet all the bills, have enough for food, I think in the 2 years he was there he did ask once for £200 which was paid back the following month.It's principal rather than anything else as he'd have at least a grand a month to pay out if he got a flat.
I've just told my sister we won't be going for a 'meal' out to celebrate her 50th. She's very well off - both good jobs, no kids, house inherited from BIL's folks. Where we'd host a party, all food paid for by us, she'll invite you out for a meal and you pay for yourself, on top of getting her a decent present, so I've said we're cutting back, as our utility bill could rocket to £600 per month. I'd also have to pay for 4 adults - if son had to pay, he wouldn't go
I don't know what many folk are doing, just burying their heads about increases ? My niece will be crucified by these rises (pre-pay meter). My sister just goes 'oh rocky times ahead' !My brother-in-law is a tight wad, he wouldn't even use the conservatory last year during colder months whilst WFH (cost to much to heat), and then complains he's on the kitchen table !
We have the same issue with my son, he's earning a good wage, especially for 21, but he's begrudgingly paying £150 a month in rent. Some month's he pays, other's forgets. Does say none of his mate's pay anything ! Grr.
It's principal rather than anything else as he'd have at least a grand a month to pay out if he got a flat.
My neighbours had both their 'adult' sons living at home whilst working. They didn't ask for rent but they made both of them put the monthly rent equivalent into a LISA / savings scheme, meaning it was enough for a house deposit each after 2/3 years. Both have now moved out.
My missus is sort of doing that when he pays rent - putting it away !