it would make sense to have hot fill again
I think they must have given up on trying to make them work on a wide variety of different hot water systems.
I used to have a Hotpoint 9934 washer dryer, which worked fine on my multipoint water heater, but I think that generation of machine were notorious for not working well on a tanked system if the pressure was unusually low (eg: bungalows). When I got my Hotpoint WD61 I was left with the feeling it had been modified to work on very low pressures, but it never did work on my multipoint that delivers hot water at mains pressure, so I had to switch to cold fill anyway.
Connected directly to the water heater, the flow rate was far too fast for the WD61, and the powder drawer used to overflow and flood the kitchen floor. Hotpoint's advice in response to this was to fit a tap in the hot feed, and adjust it to 'reduce the pressure', but I could never make them understand the problem: by the time the flow rate was set low enough to prevent flooding, it wasn't enough to light the gas on the heater, and I got cold fill whether I wanted it or not. (I got
"well repair the water heater, then" because I couldn't make them see that the multipoint
has to switch the gas burner off at low flow rates to prevent the water from becoming scalding hot.) With patience, and a lot of careful faffing, it was
just possible to find a setting which would both avoid flooding
and light the gas, but the margins were so fine that all it would take was a tiny fluctuation in mains pressure, and I would be back to either a kitchen flood or cold fill again.