As the and of the month approaches, we have just taken the meter readings. For some reason, the gas seems ever present in our mind, more so than the electric, but...
A very quick calculation will see the gas bill in at £110 for the month. I think out last one was around £70, so given we've had the grandkids for several days (and will have for a few days more while mum is in hospital ) ..heating been on more obviously, plus lots of young visitors, more heating, plus the general weather, more heating...thats not bad. Just hope my rough calculations are right.
Its also painfully obvious, as the kids have been, the heating been left on for longer periods, but the boilers on less....obviously its just topping up a few degrees rather than long burns trying to catch up again.
If only we could find a way to sleep in a warmer house...all the heat we put into the house is lost overnight, that will always be the case unfortunately, can't sleep in an even remotely warm bedroom.