We tried opening a Call Centre in the Philippines but closed it down after 18 months as it simply didn't work, the culture was so different, they were happy to continue to say yes they understood the issue when clearly they had no comprehension of the issue. They would never challenge authority if it was clear something was incorrect they would happily carry on making the same error over & over again. There were exceptions & we still employ 2 people from the country but it did seem to be a cultural thing.
We produced flowcharts for their work & they would follow them religiously even if the flowchart got into a loop, for an example we had a rule that stated if the issue was under 30p then just refund don't argue etc. I came across many that had entered the system as the amount was 31p yes I know our fault, but the logic was there was leaway, but they didn't understand that concept. Hands up this could be a training issue, but it came across this was how they had been taight in school.