Just submitted my readings this morning - I'm doing it monthly. No noticeable change in KWh usage compared to last 3 years, but the bills have risen. Just £70 in 'debit' - given this is the 'dearest' month for energy (I was about £250 in credit in October but the energy supplier automatically gave it me back into my account - grr). Updated my DD amount, wouldn't let me increase by say £50 per month, oh no, based on 'estimates' (price rises), that's another £100 per month thanks.

Going to see how the added insulation to the 'hot tub' decreases energy use this next month.
Looking back the last 12 months, we seem to be using roughly the same amount of electricity month on month, until we're heating the conservatory/shed for WFH, and more use of the dryer is made (we're going down the clothes hanger and de-humidifier route shortly). I'm hoping this drops with the return to work. Electricity is the killer at our house, and I know where it is... (MrsF's hot tub) - the less the 'heater' is on the better - it's like running a 1KWh kettle 24/7. More insulation, less heating. We're using about 1000 KWh on average
Gas has jumped from 200 KWh in summer , rising steadily per month to about 1,300 KWh at present - that's less of a worry as we average about £45 per month in gas, but I'll be paying a keen eye on the leccy from now on.