Oops I've made a Booboo, I had smart meters fitted in August when the Solar went in, I notice the other day that Octopus had stopped or rather unable to get the 1/2 hourly readings from the meter.
So being diligent (very unlike me) I took photos of each meter & entered them manually into their website, came back that we've only used £32 worth of electricity in the last month which I was overjoyed about but put it down to the amount of sun we'd had in October & early November. However looking at the smart display it claimed we'd used nearly £12 of electricity yesterday which seemed a bit strange, so thought I'd best read the meter again, but this time I realised that the display scrolls, from overall meter reading, export reading & cost, it's not easy to see it's right at the back of a cupboard (well that's my excuse)
The number I reported to them 2 days ago, 134 was actually our Export number & the Import number is 334, so it appears to the website we've used 200 units of electricity in 2 days, on the brightside it does mean we've only used 334 units since 22nd August