I do not have a smart meter but I have never seen a meter reader for quite a few years. You are expected by SSE to read your own and submit the readings. Presumably so long as you have a consistent consumption pattern they assume you are being honest.Presumably not exporting on a per unit tariff then?
I think it probably only a matter of time before they start insisting that everybody go on smart meters. It saves them a lot of money in meter reader salaries.
There used to be a legal requirement that every meter had to be read every 2 years I think it was, but maybe that has been dropped now, I know it was mentioned to me when I was in dispute with NPower (I think) who hadn't read it in 6 years & I was told that couldn't happen now, but I am going back maybe 20 years.I do not have a smart meter but I have never seen a meter reader for quite a few years. You are expected by SSE to read your own and submit the readings. Presumably so long as you have a consistent consumption pattern they assume you are being honest.
For a final reading if moving house then I think a photograph would be enough.
There used to be a legal requirement that every meter had to be read every 2 years I think it was, but maybe that has been dropped now, I know it was mentioned to me when I was in dispute with NPower (I think) who hadn't read it in 6 years & I was told that couldn't happen now, but I am going back maybe 20 years.
There has been a van marked Morrison Data Services around a few times but has never been to my meter. I saw the same van and guy on the mainland last week but must be checking meters for somebody other than SSE.
My heating only comes on at 18 degrees in the morning and 17.5 in the evening and then only for a few hours.
Even with a nesh wife this is working out but we've yet to get cold weather.
Surely the outside temperature doesn't matter unless you mean having it on for a longer time
Surely the outside temperature doesn't matter unless you mean having it on for a longer time
Surely the outside temperature doesn't matter unless you mean having it on for a longer time
How is everyone doing with the use of their heating ?
My CH comes on at 06:30 am with thermostat set at 19 degrees. This warms the house up enough for us to get breakfast, get dressed, showered etc ( Retired folk here) Around 9 - 9:30 I turn the stat down to 18 degrees where it usually stays until bedtime. We put an extra layer on as required. The stat mostly stays at 18 until bedtime. Up until recently the indoor temp rarely fell below 18 during the day but the last couple of days the indoor temp is falling below 18 around mid to late morning so the CH is 'kicking in' and restoring the house temp to 18 degrees so my bills will certainly rise now. We are pretty far north, near Richmond and it's mostly a couple of degrees or so colder up here than farther south. My latest dual fuel bill from Octopus 14 oct - 13 nov is £140.00 and we were away for 1 week with no gas use for that week.
The experts say a indoor temp of 18 is ' healthy' and I don't intend to reduce it any more. I'm certainly not wealthy so will have to 'pay up'
and continue to moan about the bills.
How is everyone doing with the use of their heating ?
My CH comes on at 06:30 am with thermostat set at 19 degrees. This warms the house up enough for us to get breakfast, get dressed, showered etc ( Retired folk here) Around 9 - 9:30 I turn the stat down to 18 degrees where it usually stays until bedtime. We put an extra layer on as required. The stat mostly stays at 18 until bedtime. Up until recently the indoor temp rarely fell below 18 during the day but the last couple of days the indoor temp is falling below 18 around mid to late morning so the CH is 'kicking in' and restoring the house temp to 18 degrees so my bills will certainly rise now. We are pretty far north, near Richmond and it's mostly a couple of degrees or so colder up here than farther south. My latest dual fuel bill from Octopus 14 oct - 13 nov is £140.00 and we were away for 1 week with no gas use for that week.
The experts say a indoor temp of 18 is ' healthy' and I don't intend to reduce it any more. I'm certainly not wealthy so will have to 'pay up'
and continue to moan about the bills.