Grimpeur des terrains plats
Not just 4 minute nuclear warning, flood and fire alerts, fashion crimes for @Accy cyclist...
Middle of Scottish highlands, didn’t get anything on any of the phones.
I was on the Club Ride. None of us heard the alert though we all got the text message.
Lesson learned. If the four minute warning sounds club cyclists are done for.....
Same as any other day ?
surely if you chain gang you can get out of the blast radius ?
Even better than that. The police currently use the Airwave digital radio system, but it is getting on a bit now so is becoming difficult and expensive maintain.
The new replacement system is horrific. It'll use 4G, piggybacking off the mobile phone system. However, the tightarriss government haven't paid for primacy for EMS users so in the event of an emergency when everyone reaches for the phone and the network clogs the emergency services won't be able to use their radios. In addition, as you rightly point out, its not unknown for the mobile phone network and/or internet provision to fail at a local level during emergencies, particularly floods.
And just to really cheer us up it was due to be introduced in 2018/19 and fully operational by 2020 as Motorola who own Airwave want to sell the sites and infrastructure but it is being so badly mismanaged it seems liable to be 2026/27 at the earliest (and possbly "much later") ...just as 4G starts to be phased out in favour of 5G. Heaven save us from civil servants!
Having had some peripheral involvement with bidding for the GSM replacement for the old, TETRA network, most of the above sounds very much like the propaganda being spouted by companies who were making a very nice living at our expense from the utterly obsolete, and frankly untenable network they were providing.
As Mandy Rice Davis put it "they would say
that, wouldn't they"
I’d rather spend my last 4 minutes in blissful ignorance on a bike, rather than a mad panic.
I heard on R4 news that the 3 network had problems receiving the alert.Didn't get a notification, so either it was the network not doing it's thing (Smarty via Three) or my device (Motorola Edge20 Lite, Android 11).