A piece of medical advice... DO NOT USE SUDOCREM.
I did and paid the price late last summer and ended up with my nether region looking like Leopardskin as the rash went to blisters which burst and dried out due to the Sudocrem as it dries the skin out.
If the rash presists see your doctor or pharmacist as it may need a fungal cream.
Use Vaseline or chamois cream as previously mention as well as that runners cream (can't remember the name).
Avoid cotton undies, use technical base layer or padded cycling shorts, don't wash them in biological powder and don't use fabric conditioner.
As for the Crane running gear from Aldi and similar fom Lidl, great stuff that neither my wife or myself have had problems with, and it should be on sale again soon (usually March & October).
Anyway, that's my advice and take on it