Ebay and auction watch: let us know if you see something

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Leg End Member
Although not a tandem, it appears to have had a frontal impact, as evidenced by the swept back fork.
The tandem is the lot before this.

Bugger, bugger, bugger...


Started young, and still going.
Described as a "Dawes 1 speed ladies bike" in Telford - currently a fiver - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266875891398

View attachment 735975

Looks in very good nick, and a nice colour.
Shame it's nowhere near me.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I've been watching this Peugeot for a few days but can't place the frame; the decals don't match with the Reynolds logo. The logo is from 1977-82 but the decals are late 90's/early 2000's. And the groupset appears mismatched. Oh, and it doesn't work. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/145862990644



Senior Member
Manchester, UK
Currently £1 in Cambridgeshire: fine steel framed Gazelle with Campagnolo dropouts, distinctive brake bridge & long point cut out lugs.
With Mafac centre pull calipers, and Cinelli bars. No special measures required, except maybe the chain routing through the 600 derailleur, and a possible dent in the seat tube?
Item number: 266875691087

Went for £2.20 in the end!
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