Not quite trueShouldn't wash chicken apparently, cooking kills anything nasty and you're more likely to spread it around the kitchen
And rinsing under a tap works. I had staph probably in my shin, usual cause of skin type infectionsNot quite true
Staphylococcus_aureus produces a toxin which survives cooking and is quite nasty
NATO(MOD)Tinned Processed Cheese.This would be around 1983,I seem to remember that it was around 25 years old(as it were) at that point.Might have been marked "Consume upon opening-the Soviets are heading your way-you wont live long enough to develop food poisoning-Enjoy! Seem to remember that ot was eatable,not a fine Stilton perhaps but...Im still hereI've just had haggis for breakfast which was 3 days past it's "use by" date, and very tasty it was too, So far, a couple of hours later, there have been no ill effects.
The reason I was eating it is because Mrs S refuses to eat anything that is past it's best by date, and is indeed firmly convinced that doing so will result in a 99% probability of death.
I, on the other hand, am much less fussy and will eat pretty much anything within reason and hate wasting food. I will happily eat anything out of the fridge which is 4 or 5 days past it's "use by" date, and have eaten tinned food without any problems which is months out of date.
What's the oldest thing you have eaten, and where would you draw the line?
I do that with cheeseYes we do!! Just scrape the mold off and it's fine.