Eating out of date food. Do you?

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Yes, we do too.

Last summer I ate a prawn cocktail that was way past it's use by date, it was very fizzy and it made me very ill.


Legendary Member
Apparently cutting the mould of cheese for example is ok, but eating mouldy meat, fish, fruit, veg is risky. Read something, something due to the different pathogen and surface versus infiltration of the cells

Shouldn't wash chicken apparently, cooking kills anything nasty and you're more likely to spread it around the kitchen

I go on taste and smell, I am suspicious of out of date chicken curry ready meals even though the meat is already cooked, because you can't smell or taste if it's off as easily. I got campylobacter from a chicken show mein from a takeaway, I thought it tasted a little off but was a different place to usual. Nasty for a few weeks, needed antibiotics, had to be reported to the communicable disease people!


Most of my fresh food comes from the greengrocer and butcher, so the issue never arises.


Legendary Member
We did this one a while back. I seem to remember the winner was someone who'd recently eaten something that had cost seven & six. (That's shillings & pence for you younger fellows.)

As far as I'm concerned, if it smells ok, I'll eat it. Sell bys are a broad guide, to be taken more or less seriously on a sliding scale that goes something like shellfish, fish, fresh meat, dairy, bacon, ham and other preserved meats, fruit, veges. Potatoes and the like, sell-bys are a non-issue. Pasta and rice last for ever.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I never look at sell by dates. If it looks alright, smells alright and taste alright, then there is nothing wrong with it and eat it. My daughter in law won't eat anything within two days of sell by date. She passes it on to me as I hate seeing food thrown away.


Started young, and still going.
I never go by the dates on the packet. If the food is green or smelly, then is not to be eaten. If it looks ok and smells ok then it is ok to eat. Far to many people worry about the dates on the packaging. Stop worrying about the date on the package and get it down you. It is a marketing ploy, by the government and retailers. Use your initiative and your senses and stop throwing away perfectively good food.
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