Hi, finished the 160 in 6:43.21 - a 'silver time' & very pleased with myself too
it was a bit of hell at times though; I dont know wether it was the weather...

I had my rain jacket on and off more times than (insert your own punch line from Life on Mars) ... Talk about four seasons in one day - cue music!
Or the extra eight
big hills ( I only read after, the 160 has an extra eight big b******* hills compared to the 100 )
The middle third it erm 'testing' I remember some hill with a big antena on top thinking should I walk as the guy in front had just given & up & walked, but persevered on all the hiils & pleased with myself after. Though I'm mightly glad of a tripple chainset and the use early on, when on the biggest hills.
Also riding mainly 'solo' was a bit strange, I had a few short term rding buddies on occasions - one cheekily saying do you mind if I just ride in behind you for a bit; but then we got chatting & made the ride more pleasurableB).
Has a few hairy moments with some corners & saw a nasty case of 'road rash' at the bottom of one hill I was hertling down with a sharp left and newly graveled surface, luckily the bunch who came off warned me & the guy i was riding with to slow down, though he did bit of 'Lance' onto the grass verge.
Was it me or where there more punctures this year?
Think I'll probably go back to the 100k next year as it's more 'fun'
Nice to see Andy & Arch (
allez allez) & meet fiona and hulver; though why did nobody mention my terrible helmet hair when I'd taken my helmet off (Vivian from the young Ones?) and we were having a (cycle)chat after?
Back home recovering now, strangely not overly hungry yet, but aching and tired.
Did I mention the weather?
Chapeau" one and all. B)