Just been for a quick blast out to loosen up the legs for tommorow on the first and last 8 miles of the course, its now well signposted, with the green painted arrows on the road and also now with the black arrows on a yellow background, more prominent then last year. Beware of the return route though in Cherry, when I first saw the painted markings on the road, immediatley I thought, cars can park on those, and sure enough, today there was cars parked on top of the arrows, but as its the opposite way to what we departed on at the beggining its just in reverse from what we already have done back to the finish, I was also too busy checking for moving cars on the dangerous junction to check for the Black arrows, but as its well signposted I presume they would have been there.
Despite the strong wind, I was able to do 16mph into it which I was happy with, and for the final run in, with the wind behind, it was easy to cruise along at speeds up to 28mph, and for the crosswind section from Cherry Burton, once again it was fast with speeds of 30mph downhill and 18mph to 24 mph on the flat. Just hope the wind stays as it is,as this is the best direrction
For those after a Gold on the 100k, here are some time checks to try and keep you on Tgt with 7 minutes to spare, time to get some food at the feed station and also to loose at road junctions if busy:-
From Start to Middleton - 40min 30sec
N. Dalton, last house in village - 48min 12sec (Hopefully at this point your avg speed will be well above 16mph, 18mph preferably as from here time starts to be lost due to hitting the hills)
Wetwang - 1hr 12sec
Thixendale - 1hr 55sec
Millington - 2hr 20min
Huggate - 2hr 40min
Warter - 2hr 49min
Xrds top of Nunburnholme - 3hr 16min (if you have managed to retain an avg speed of approx 16mph at this point, it should be a doddle to do it in gold time)
Mkt Weighton - 3hr 26min
Etton - 3hr 53min
Finish - 4hr 7min
Forgot to add to my earlier posts, but if anyone wants an accurate Garmin crs file of the ridden route and not from a route planner, with a time of 4hrs 7mins for an Edge or anything else, PM me and I will post one, I should be able to convert it to GPX if required. With an Edge you will have the benefit of the virtual opponent to race and also an accurate profile of all the hills
The course starts just after the start line outside the school gates and finishes past the entrance by about 40yds on the road to Beverley. (As a rule I never have the start and finish points near each other, as sometimes I find the course finishes as soon as it starts as you cross both points and that screws everything up)