Dolorous Edd
Senior Member
If it were me, I would buy one if I thought it would result in me spending more time active and outdoors. All other considerations would come a distant second.
must admit to quite enjoying challenging myself and am finding it very difficult to accept the natural limitations of an ageing body
That's a shame but as long as the e-bike is helping you get out, it's a win!
To be clear, I can only propel it to that speed fairly briefly, I can't maintain it for long!
The issues come from riding too hard for shortish steep climbs or too hard on longer slight gradients. I literally feel that I am going to pass out when I have to stop, but then after a minute or so am good to go again.
I do not ride with groups, other than occasionally with a couple of friends who are no faster than I am.
I must admit to quite enjoying challenging myself and am finding it very difficult to accept the natural limitations of an ageing body, and getting quite depressed about it.
I do not want to lose my fitness, but I also do not want to lose the enjoyment of rides that include an element of pleasure of the countryside as well as some hard work. Both make the ride for me.
One problem I have is that I always feel time-short because of other pressures and commitments and try to fit as much as possible into less than three hours (including a coffee stop) a few times a week.
I know an e-bike is on the horizon. I was in town this morning and called in just to see what they had in Evans. Waste of time, absolutely no drop bar bikes at all and none coming in.
95% of my riding is indoors on Zwift