quite. Self-healing is a great expression. The constricted width of the streets, some of which have seen footpaths widened (I'm thinking particularly of Brixton) imposes a kind of 'natural' speed limit on all but a minority of homeward bound cyclists who steam through zebra crossings like snowploughs.
As for what is tolerated or not in Stratford I think you know the answer to this. Democracy in Newham is at a premium. The borough's councillors are muppets. They've slathered love and money over Westfield, which is just grotesque, and, in urban terms asked for nothing absolutely nothing in return. Sadly these people are elected, and it may be that you are one of the electors. All I can suggest is that you do a bit of canvassing.
That's the rub. The Netherlands is a Calvinist state in which the way you wipe your arse is regulated by the State. People choose this ordering of life because, as children, they were beaten with bibles. Hence the ghastly road systems.
As for what is tolerated or not in Stratford I think you know the answer to this. Democracy in Newham is at a premium. The borough's councillors are muppets. They've slathered love and money over Westfield, which is just grotesque, and, in urban terms asked for nothing absolutely nothing in return. Sadly these people are elected, and it may be that you are one of the electors. All I can suggest is that you do a bit of canvassing.
That's the rub. The Netherlands is a Calvinist state in which the way you wipe your arse is regulated by the State. People choose this ordering of life because, as children, they were beaten with bibles. Hence the ghastly road systems.