Woah, that's quite a controversial opinionThe recent highlight is Louis Theroux, the nicer version of Jeremy Kyle
I am amazed that people go into each sub-forum in turn to see what is happening. I just browse through New posts then Mark forums read. I don't care where the threads actually reside.
I think it's intended as a living lesson in how history gets rewritten. Just enjoy it!even this thread has now been moderated and comments removed/deleted.........and i'm wondering of anybody on this thread reported any of its content??? i certainly know i didn't
I'd not see it so much as flawed, rather inevitable. We'd been here two or three times in the past, tried different things, brought some back but always ended up in the same position, sometimes really quite offensive, borderline bullying and tedious behaviour that spoiled it for the majority. Its (some of) the contributors that are the problem not the forum staff or their attempts to (vainly) manage it all. (in my humble opinion of courseThe removal of NACA to a separate forum was probably a sound idea in theory, but it was flawed. I said all along that news, politics and current affairs discussion was never the problem before, most moderate people on both sides (and the middle) of the spectrum could discuss all of that without getting personal. No, the real problem was a very small cohort of just downright unpleasant people, demonstrably here purely for the friction and to see how far they could get away with insulting people from behind a screen. These of course are the sort of people who are as quiet as mice in person, but who get incredibly brave and insulting online when there's no threat of a punch in the face for overstepping the mark. I know moderation isn't up for discussion, but I believe we've probably "cured" an infected leg by cutting off the leg, rather than removing the infectious bacteria.
I think the removal of NACA has has completely shut down discussion of anything substantial, and that's a shame. So we're left with tyres, front mechs, bread recipes and train spotting. Possibly a coincidence and possibly not, but the forum has also lost quite a few prolific posters (on varied subjects) over the last 6 months or so, and it's become very boring indeed recently. I can see more people drifting away.
A few points;
To those who are unhappy with the expansion of the number of fora have you contacted the Mods to discuss this?
I ask because a positive response is more likely from a structured, respectful discussion than a whinge on a more general thread.
During COVID I'm sure this and other fora were a lifeline to sanity for a lot of people. Now that COVID seems to be winding down and spring is in the air it seems only natural that people will spend less time online.
For those who are openly or slyly critical of moderation have you ever attempted to moderate an online discussion? It is not an easy job.
On that point there are guidelines and rules that we all agree to when we sign up. I'm surprised at the numbers who either don't know them or seem not to care about them.
That's not to mention simple, not so common courtesy.
Unfortunately, right now, Politics is a very divisive subject. I like @CanucksTraveller analogy of removing the leg instead of the malignant bacteria but sometimes it has to be done.
The dismissive, often personal digs so common on NACA threads had started to drift into non-contentious threads.
Of course politics is involved in lots of subjects but until folks can leave their petty disagreements and hobby horses behind then those topics will be limited.
It's interesting (and a little sad) watching (presumably) grown adults pushing the boundaries as far as possible and then crying when caught.
This is our community. It is, for better or worse, what we make it.
And finally, for those pining for the Utopia of bike fora where everything is discussed freely and without problems can you throw up a link so that I can visit it please?
For as long as I am aware of bike fora on the net CycleChat has consistently been the friendliest.![]()
That might be because now they aren't busy looking for stuff on the politics sub-forum to clamp down on they are getting withdrawal symptoms.Absolutely all this. The main reason I don’t post. No politics and way too many sub-fora. This place is too complicated, and has become dull. Way over-moderated.
The new NACA, of which I am not a member has become a leftie love-in from what I have read.
The NACA section can sometimes be useful but it is very left-heavy,
In the real world almost everyone would call me a tree-hugging leftie type.This sort of point has often been put forward, usually, but not always, by those who would not describe themselves as "lefties".
Maybe I should have phrased it better - there is an overwhelming left-leaning viewpoint on the forum as a whole, especially on the NACA bit. I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, but it's a bit like having a debate with 3 people on one side and 20 on the other, the minority often has to resort to defensive shouting to make up for the lack of support in numbers. But yes I agree, more people putting their view forward might make it better, but I think the percentages would remain the same so it would still feel as if anyone with right leaning views was the underdog, or the only kid in the class with the wrong brand of jacketThis sort of point has often been put forward, usually, but not always, by those who would not describe themselves as "lefties".
There are two options; use that as a reason not to join in, or, join in and improve the balance.
If there is a left-wing majority then clearly there is likely be a majority left-wing response, but that is not the fault of the left-wingers, nor is it "ganging up on" people no matter how often the term gets misused.
IMO NACA can become a bit of an echo chamber because of the smaller number of members but in fact the second most prolific poster is certainly no leftie, who admits he is there for the trolling and has remarked he doesn't get bans like he does on the mothership.
As I said, it was the highlight in recent days. 2 years ago, it would not even be raised.Woah, that's quite a controversial opinion![]()