dumbass LCC bike lane on Stratford High Street

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It's a bit more complicated than that...
Seeing as you have no posts on any other thread on this site, it is going to be a bit tricky for anyone to guess what else might interest you.


Openly Marxist
Dildo covers?
Should @srw now resign for posting pictures of his dildo covers on social media?


Active Member
Dildo covers?
NO my dear fellow, he means that, since

1. I claim to have opinions of my own
2. Those opinions are not his opinions
3. The only things I find amusing enough on cyclechat to draw me back to it are the contributions of DZ in the continuation of exactly the 1930's tradition in British Cycle Campaigning which has seen a total collapse in cycling mode share,


4. I must be a "sockpuppet"- meaning, an online identity controlled by a party or parties with a financial interest in the realisation of some nefarious scheme/perversion of democracy, etc etc etc.

And all this, JUST when I was starting to feel enveloped by the love shown me on all sides- the openness to ideas and debate, the atmosphere of Plato's dialogues.


Active Member
You know what, I can't imagine why this site isn't more visited by these 'segregationists' you speak of. I suppose they just don't like the cut and thrust of debate, the enjoyable stating that black is white, the habitual attribution of all opposing points of view to enemy agents. What rotten sports.

Pete Owens

Well-Known Member
I dThat facts (and god, they are unpopular) are that in places with more and better dedicated cycling infrastructure, more people cycle.
Ah, the build it and they will come hypothesis: As related by every town planner and highway engineer in the UK over the last half century or so. Of course they were keen on segregation before that, but they didn't even attempt to claim it was for our benefit then - they hoped for legislation to force us to use it.

However, it is a testable hypothesis. We have built a lot of cycle infrastructure over the last 60 years. The post war new-towns, starting with Stevenage and continuing with Milton Keynes, Linvingston, Telford, Skelmesdale, Runcorn ... the list goes on. IF there was any merit whatsoever in your theory then these towns would see a lot of cycling. But they don't. Without excetion these are among the most car dependent settlements in the UK.

And don't try to brush this off by claiming that somehow these cycle neworks are incomplete or inadequate. Because the now towns were built on green fields there were not the constraints of space so they could build continuous comprehensive networks - and of reasonable quality - they don't tend to feature in Facility of the Month. People living in thes places could cycle to anywhere else in them without having to mix with traffic or any of the things you seem to think makes cycling scary - yet they don't.


Senior Member
So how do we get the every road is a cycle lane thing, without bothering with the segregated lanes?

I don't think there is a solution for people who don't like cycle lanes it's a catch 22. Personally I have no problem with the cycle lanes/paths being the slow lane with the road being the fast lane.

I don't understand the hatred for cycle lanes, you don't like them, don't use them, let the rest of us get on with it. I don't like being told if I should or should not wear a helmet and I don't like being told if I should or should not have the right to cycle in a cycle lane or not. I'm a grown woman, give me the options and I will make my own mind up.

But right now, I don't appreciate being made to feel like a lesser cyclist by people who are not the only cyclist within a 3 mile radius on the roads and don't have to share said roads with massive HGVs, people coming off duel carriageways and motorists with a general attitude that I should be on the pavements because there are no pedestrians on and try to make that point by punting me onto them while I'm going 15 mph. You are damn right I want some sort of barrier betwixt me and these people, even if it's a white line, because most of these morons will respect the white line.


Legendary Member
Ah, the build it and they will come hypothesis: As related by every town planner and highway engineer in the UK over the last half century or so. Of course they were keen on segregation before that, but they didn't even attempt to claim it was for our benefit then - they hoped for legislation to force us to use it.

However, it is a testable hypothesis. We have built a lot of cycle infrastructure over the last 60 years. The post war new-towns, starting with Stevenage and continuing with Milton Keynes, Linvingston, Telford, Skelmesdale, Runcorn ... the list goes on. IF there was any merit whatsoever in your theory then these towns would see a lot of cycling. But they don't. Without excetion these are among the most car dependent settlements in the UK.

And don't try to brush this off by claiming that somehow these cycle neworks are incomplete or inadequate. Because the now towns were built on green fields there were not the constraints of space so they could build continuous comprehensive networks - and of reasonable quality - they don't tend to feature in Facility of the Month. People living in thes places could cycle to anywhere else in them without having to mix with traffic or any of the things you seem to think makes cycling scary - yet they don't.

I don't know about the others, but the very structure of MK is very conducive to private car transport. In fact, if I was designing a town specifically to cater for private motorists, I doubt I would stray far from the MK model. Driving is simply the easiest way around town.


Active Member
northern monkey
Ah, the build it and they will come hypothesis: As related by every town planner and highway engineer in the UK over the last half century or so. Of course they were keen on segregation before that, but they didn't even attempt to claim it was for our benefit then - they hoped for legislation to force us to use it.

However, it is a testable hypothesis. We have built a lot of cycle infrastructure over the last 60 years. The post war new-towns, starting with Stevenage and continuing with Milton Keynes, Linvingston, Telford, Skelmesdale, Runcorn ... the list goes on. IF there was any merit whatsoever in your theory then these towns would see a lot of cycling. But they don't. Without excetion these are among the most car dependent settlements in the UK.

And don't try to brush this off by claiming that somehow these cycle neworks are incomplete or inadequate. Because the now towns were built on green fields there were not the constraints of space so they could build continuous comprehensive networks - and of reasonable quality - they don't tend to feature in Facility of the Month. People living in thes places could cycle to anywhere else in them without having to mix with traffic or any of the things you seem to think makes cycling scary - yet they don't.

it seems to have worked pretty well for cars. just a thought

SKelmersdale, that is utter crap and dont quote statistics at me spend time there see how many use bikes it is far more than the few % listed
it may be of interest but we are moving site to another place in skelmersdale, my employer quite a large one in the grand scheme of things knowing how many people bike in have bought new lockers that are 25% bigger to accommodate a change of clothes helmet etc. motor cyclists (we have one get a bigger version still to take the protective gear they wear
so far we have 18 cycle lockers and 5 normal ones. i travel the furthest one could reasonably cycle (those who come from warrington and salford may be a bit pushed for time pedalling there) im getting a bike one as is everyone bar one person who lives in the godforsaken place he is getting the motorbike version
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Active Member
northern monkey
it seems to have worked pretty well for cars. just a thought
edit ive seen eight cyclists today all pretty serious types drop bars matching lycra (caveat ive also seen four other people on bikes three had a can of lager/cider in hand whilst riding the fourth was about 7 years old so doesnt count as he was on the path)
all of them were on the cycle path


Active Member
And don't try to brush this off by...

Stevenage Again, and it turns out I'm not allowed to have my own thoughts on that topic either. Saves time typing. And it's not like I'd be expecting you to read other people's thoughts either. Well, be fair, you might want to read the first paragraph -then you could think up some really devastating way to summarise (traduce) what the guy was going to say in the rest of it, before he'd said it.



Active Member
northern monkey
there is one problem with all this.
bikes are not sexy, really they are not ask any 17-18 year old what they want either a car or a push bike....
ask a similar question to young girls would you prefer a boy with a car or a pushbike....
and lets face it cars win the only way to get anywhere is to get people onto AND into bikes before they reach that age, Pedalling on stupid roads with idiots in a rush is never going to work
you need to start young and if any of you think thats a good idea (starting young on the road) may i suggest you take your children onto the a580 or some other road like it and have them peddle along happily in the wake of hgv after hgv trundling along at 60,there is a stretch of tarmac for shared use at the side but of course you wont be using that will you, if that is just a tad extreme for your sensibilities then try another local road the a570 where the speed limit is 40 again it offers some shared use paths for pedestrians and cyclists but you dont want that do you
the worst phrase which sadly is the most appropriate is 'i bet your kids' you wont like it and would love a nice segregated lane offering them some protection which thankfully in both cases there is
the "i bet your kids" is what you are saying to any parent who is thinking id get them a bike but the roads just are not safe for my little alistair/jemima
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