Drago's now traditional Winter 2024-25 murder deathkill slaughter annihilation apocalypse chaos mayhem insanity nastiness weather thread

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Roads are going to be impassable till February. Stock up with baked beans and toilet paper.
Put the toilet paper around the outside walls for extra insulation. Top tip brought to you by the panic causing daily express and daily fail. You will appreciate the advice when the 5000mph winds come along!!! :laugh:

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Terrible ice where I live!:unsure: My 🐶 had a grooming appointment at 3pm. I got about 6 foot away from my car, but just like Scott of the Antarctic who was a mere 11 miles from the shelter/safety of a food station (how was it a 'mere 11 miles', when 11 miles in minus 40 Celsius might as well be a 1000 miles:unsure:) I succumbed to the elements. Thankfully unlike Scott and his remaining fellow heroes 🇬🇧 I was able to make my way home to safety!!
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Yeah, the knee length ones I got from the postie.

Developed by NASA for space walks

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Terrible ice where I live!:unsure: My 🐶 had a grooming appointment at 3pm. I got about 6 foot away from my car, but just like Scott of the Antarctic who was a mere 11 miles from the shelter/safety of a food station (how was it a 'mere 11 miles', when 11 miles in minus 40 Celsius might as well be a 1000 miles:unsure:) I succumbed to the elements. Thankfully unlike Scott and his remaining fellow heroes 🇬🇧 I was able to make my way home to safety!!
I've just been outside to take these photos and it's still dangerous out there! I've taken them to send to the housing association who owns the these flats. I messaged them this afternoon, asking why they don't/won't grit around here, particularly that road. They asked me to take some pics of how bad it is which I have and will now send to them.




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Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
The housing association don't own the public road outside their properties.

No they don't, but they own the paths outside these flats and in the garden area leading to that ice covered road. They say we should use the yellow grit container to help ourselves to some grit, then put it down ourselves, but most of us are incapable of doing that and some like me can't walk on THEIR un-gritted paths to get to that grit container.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
"Hello, is that If You Have A Fall Give Us A Call"?!🧐


"Yes it is, how can we help"?!

"I've had a fall on an ice covered, un-gritted path owned by the housing association I rent my flat from, while attempting to reach the grit container the housing association says we have to use ourselves to make our paths safe to walk on"! 🧐

"Heck, that sounds serious sir! I think we might have a valid reason for a compensation claim here sir"!!

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Plus five and cloudy here today, but snow this weekend. We’ll likely get little here but 100km north of here is expected to get 50 to 80cm along the “snow belt”…

lucky I have a patented Canadian weatherfish on my headset. If it’s dry it’s nice riding, if it’s wet it raining out and if it’s white it snowing. Damn clever those Transport Canada engineers.

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