Stunning day, if a little cool. The sort of cool that shrinks one's gonads. The biting easterly needs to abate and then I may pedal more outdoors - you know in the real world with actual tarmac and actual variations in elevation. This year has had 4 weeks wiped off it 'cos of lurgy. The sort of lurgy that makes for elastic stringy rubbery snot in a shade of browny green. The sort of lurgy that doesn't come out clean when doing snot rockets and instead strings out right across your £200 Espresso jacket and along your arm and down and it drags along on the tarmac gathering gravel and dust before it gets whipped up by your back wheel and flicked over the back of you where some of it gets through the gaps in the helmet you feel compelled to wear 'cos it's a heinous crime not to and lodges itself with the dead wasp in the back of it.
I think i'll stop there.