Drago's now traditional Winter 2024-25 murder deathkill slaughter annihilation apocalypse chaos mayhem insanity nastiness weather thread

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Legendary Member
Time for a new thread.

Every year there are certain milestones.

Easter, 5th November, the John Lewis Christmas ad, and the now traditional thread about the weather across the colder half of the year.

So post away, with pictures of the worst excesses please.


Legendary Member
Down to 5°C here in Poshshire last night, bit seems to be warming up quickly. Yesterday's biting wind has eased off.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Bright sunshine here in the wastelands of North Hamtun. 11°c now but I could hear the sparrows knees knocking as the dawn broke!


Heavy Metal Fan
Sunny here in Plymouth, with a slight nip in the air. We did notice how chilly it got last night though. That's after being in Mallorca last week where it was 28 most days. It's time to drain the paddling pool at the weekend and put it away.


Über Member
SW Leeds
Do you mean the headlines like "EXACT DATE the new ice age starts and the glaciers sweep down from the north burying whole cities!!" :laugh:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I will of course be digging out my trusty thermal bloomers from the dark interior of the cupboard within the next couple of days.

I had a smal fire going this morning. It was 8 deg here with a lot or rain overnight. It wouldn't be Wales without rain now would it.


South Wales
Put an extra layer on the bed last night. Cats are spending more time indoors now.

I have a light throw that I use when it is between wanting just the quilt cover and wanting the full quilt, and it was a borderline decision last night whether I wanted that or not. I wasn't *quite* cold enough to get out of bed to get it, but if I'd put it in reach before getting into bed, I would have pulled it over.

Definitely taken a significant turn towards chilly the last couple of days.
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