Doping in other sports

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Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
"Spanish IOC member Juan Antonio Samaranch Jr, son of the ex-IOC president of the same name."


So, are we just accepting the fact that the IOC are happy with doping, and positive tests at their events, provided it doesn't get in the way of the sponsors messages?
And if you don't know who Jama Aden is, here he is pointing to someone
"In a blistering public critique on the eve of the Olympics, the former chief investigator for the World Anti-Doping Agency claims his efforts to investigate Russian doping were repeatedly delayed by WADA’s president, who preferred to privately settle matters with Russian officials.

Jack Robertson, who left the agency in January, said he was forced to leak information to the media in order to pressure WADA president Sir Craig Reedie to act and, even then, he says, the agency sat on credible allegations that suggested Russian doping extended far beyond track and field."
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