Doping in other sports

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Bobby Mhor

Legendary Member
Behind You
Wonder if Sebs line would be any different if it were a Russian or African athete implicated, just saying?
Coe is a Nike Ambassador
Justin Gattlin is a Nike sponsored athlete...

mmm sticky wicket..

The Couch

Über Member
... (Likewise Usain Bolt in the 100m, though the fact that he has consistently beaten known dopers does concern me.)
You mean, besides the fact that he is Jamaican
(i.e. part of the Jamaican Federation and part of a country which has been dominating 100m/200m sprinting world-wide for a decade now and has been starting to grow into other disciplines as well....oh, and it's a country with less than 3 million people)
and that he has set a best time - not only beating dopers - but absolutely destroying their best time(s)


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
You mean, besides the fact that he is Jamaican

I'm wary of saying things like that because there's a danger of coming across as a bit jingoistic but... yes, that too.

Would be interesting to read David Walsh's book - he seems convinced Bolt is clean and that there is no East German-style systemic Jamaican doping program.

Bobby Mhor

Legendary Member
Behind You
Quote from an article I read recently

''Little faith has been expressed in the country’s drug testing programme: some testers consider that they are treated akin to enemies of the state. Renee Anne Shirley, the former director of the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission, criticised the Commission. “I’ve been called a Judas, a traitor, that my passport should be taken away,” she says. One of the most prominent Jamaican testers, Dr Paul Wright, says he has received death threats and has also been called a pervert by male athletes because of his policy of insisting they urinate in front of him to minimise the possibility of cheating.''

The article HERE
(basically a book promo)
I'm becoming more wary of assuming now and, if I'm honest a little tired of it. Wait a while and the rumours, anecdotes and witnesses begin to appear long before any proof does. Where only speculation circulates, I tend to treat it lightly. Bolt is a case in point. I've seen nothing besides speculation by association but given how many sprinters of his speed have been subsequently caught cheating, it's difficult not to assume the worst. At the moment, I'd still give him the benefit of the doubt which may be harsh if he turns out to be the greatest sprinter we've ever seen and naive if he gets caught cheating.
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