Doping git thread

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Legendary Member
Anyone else actually losing interest in this case ? Well here's a bit more :rolleyes:


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Just a complete non story. Doping is a boring subject, unless it's the stories about smuggling and how insane some of the old school dopers were.
I don't know. The Julich interview seems to have some new stuff, such as accusing Freeman of botching treatment of Froome's bilharzia, that I don't remember reading before. Have you?

And if Freeman did neglect Froome's health, was it because he was a dopey doctor, or because his head had fallen off from stress about Shane Sutton?

And either way, why did Sky's then "Team Psychatrist" Steve Peters not notice a key member of the team's medical staff going to bits?

There are more questions than answers...
I don't know. The Julich interview seems to have some new stuff, such as accusing Freeman of botching treatment of Froome's bilharzia, that I don't remember reading before. Have you?

And if Freeman did neglect Froome's health, was it because he was a dopey doctor, or because his head had fallen off from stress about Shane Sutton?

And either way, why did Sky's then "Team Psychatrist" Steve Peters not notice a key member of the team's medical staff going to bits?

There are more questions than answers...
It's new but such an old story, I lost interest in it a while back, but my attention span isn't great. How long has it been dragging on for!

As you say there are far more questions than answers and I can't see at the end of the process there is going to be any clear judgements, just more areas of grey, rumour and speculation.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
It's new but such an old story, I lost interest in it a while back, but my attention span isn't great. How long has it been dragging on for!
It's a bit over four years since UKAD rolled into the BC/Sky velodrome, reportedly provoked in part by Tiernan-Locke's accusation that Freeman offered him Tramadol at the 2012 Worlds. I do wonder if someone is hoping that we all lose interest in it, but the amazing ever-deepening layering of cover-ups and accusations is keeping me interested and making me think there probably is a puddle of shoot at the bottom of the well and the question is how deep it is.

As you say there are far more questions than answers and I can't see at the end of the process there is going to be any clear judgements, just more areas of grey, rumour and speculation.
We'll see. I think Freeman's going to need to find another career and some other former BC support staff will be tried too. The main question is whether any riders will be caught out in the end: I expect some of the anti-doping samples are still available and BC may have been pushing the envelope of legality so much that they may have burst it somewhere and either improved tests or knowing what to look for (maybe being told in exchange for leniency for someone) might reveal it - but I don't think we're going to see any winners caught and definitely no Armstrong-sized all-out cheating conspiracy revealed.
I think Freeman is scarred for life, where the hell does he go from here?

As you say, the marginal gains that were part of the narrative from the start were always more than just their own pillows and rounder wheels, but like you, I have my doubts that any solid case will ever be made about riders other than those who basically failed an IQ test.
Do you remember when we all got excited about Trump being impeached? The hope that Wiggins and/or Froome would get found out seems similar; a lot of digging will result, but Everyone's Favourite Villain will probably come out of it with Tour De France champ / POTUS on their CV.

There are so many other more interesting stories in cycle-sport, I'm not sure how people maintain interest in this one...


Puzzle game procrastinator!


It's a bit over four years since UKAD rolled into the BC/Sky velodrome, reportedly provoked in part by Tiernan-Locke's accusation that Freeman offered him Tramadol at the 2012 Worlds. I do wonder if someone is hoping that we all lose interest in it, but the amazing ever-deepening layering of cover-ups and accusations is keeping me interested and making me think there probably is a puddle of shoot at the bottom of the well and the question is how deep it is.

so JTL was doing something in 2012 which appeared in his biological passport (ban in 2014 due to this), but felt right to tip off authorities about being offered tramadol.

bit of a mess this, isn’t it.
rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Heck of a mess!

Shane Sutton kept up to date with what EPO looks like, you should never trust him and UKAD were not looking too hard, says Tony Cooke:
To be honest, I'm not sure what his point is?
What's he accusing Sutton of? What were his suspicions?

Jackson then read Cooke part of an email he later sent to the Ukad chief executive, Andy Parkinson. “Together … Nicole and I believed [Sutton] to be a character we could never trust,” it read. “Possibly we were overly cautious. Certainly neither Nicole or myself have seen him use performance-enhancing drugs. Nor has he ever suggested to Nicole that she should. So on prima evidence he is certainly innocent and we’re being overly cautious.”
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