Doping git thread

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rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I once tried nicotine patches and had some weird nightmares.
Just saying.
Did you dream that you had an imaginary twin brother?


Firm and Fruity

Shane Sutton is the scapegoat.
Apparently he demanded testosterone for his erectile disfunction.

Gives a new meaning to the phrase, Arise Sir Bradley.
rich p

rich p

ridiculous old lush
The thing is that he ordered it for Shane Sutton and his limpness or he ordered it for administering to an athlete.
Either Sutton is lying in denying it was for him (quite possible as I suspect he's a bit easy to dislike)...
...or it was for a rider or riders.
Given that Freeman has admitted most of the charges and is likely to be struck off either way, I'm not sure why he'd lie about it...


Legendary Member
The thing is that he ordered it for Shane Sutton and his limpness or he ordered it for administering to an athlete.
Either Sutton is lying in denying it was for him (quite possible as I suspect he's a bit easy to dislike)...
...or it was for a rider or riders.
Given that Freeman has admitted most of the charges and is likely to be struck off either way, I'm not sure why he'd lie about it...
Unless big bad Shane really did bully him.Looks like he's trying to shift a bit of blame ?


Legendary Member
Shane needed some testosterone to give to an unnamed rider as a PED, (hoping that the side effect of raggedy sideburns would not give the game away). The other sky doctors like Geert Lienders were all too pure and high minded, so Shane picked on weedy Freeman.

Shane knew what he was doing because if Freeman ever spilled the beans he, Shane, would just exhibit his basketball sized plums in open court and Freeman would be instantly discredited.

That's my interpretation anyway.
Your round or mine 😂
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